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Spit protection instead of pushfeed systems

Medium-sized company POS Tuning converts production and develops hygiene products

POS TUNING reacts on current demand

Bad Salzuflen/POS Tuning. Special times require special action. The past few weeks have shown that unfo­re­seeable events can simply turn the usual life upside down. The corona virus parti­ally para­ly­ses public life comple­tely. Every contri­bu­tion that helps to keep a regu­lar ever­y­day life running to some extent is ther­e­fore abso­lut­ely welcome. In parti­cu­lar, products are now needed to help people who are working in public these days largely without protec­tion: Retail­ers, health care workers and other insti­tu­ti­ons that main­tain public services.

The current situa­tion has not left the Bad Salzuf­ler company POS TUNING in peace. Toge­ther with its custo­mers and with all employees from the retail trade, the Salzuf­ler company has conside­red which imme­diate measu­res can protect the employees in the retail trade. The ideas range from spit protec­tion walls to hygiene sticks and face masks. Mana­ging Direc­tor Oliver Voßhen­rich explains: “We wanted to act and do some­thing at short notice. With our products, we can make a contri­bu­tion to a better protec­tion of employees in public areas”.

It was important that the products are easy and relia­ble to use and can be instal­led quickly. The spit protec­tion walls, for exam­ple, which are available in three diffe­rent sizes, can be easily placed on cash desks or service coun­ters or — if neces­sary — suspen­ded from the ceiling. “We wanted to create as univer­sal solu­ti­ons as possi­ble in order to be able to deli­ver quickly,” says Oliver Voßhen­rich.

This is also how the “CapMask” was crea­ted, a protec­tive visor made of extre­mely thin, light and abso­lut­ely unbre­aka­ble plas­tic for stan­dard peaked caps. This offers protec­tion for people who have to move around during work. The CapMask is also worn by the employees in the produc­tion at POS Tuning. And after an article in the local press there are now more and more requests from citi­zens who want to use the CapMask for errands and outdoor acti­vi­ties.