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Increase market shares with POS solutions

How can I make the shop­per access my product first? New varie­ties, for exam­ple, increase loyalty and create new users. Make sure your custo­mers are inspi­red!

Expanding the market position with smart solutions

With our smart solu­ti­ons, you gain addi­tio­nal space on the exis­ting area and can thus secure your brand place­ment in the long term. Present your line exten­si­ons on addi­tio­nal spaces and help new product laun­ches to be successful.

The stage is yours! Click here for the idea book for your brand.

Variety of assortment with the POS‑T double-decker system

With the double-decker presen­ters, you simply pull addi­tio­nal levels onto the shelf and double or triple the number of storage spaces on the exis­ting area. The special goods carri­ers are easy to inte­grate into exis­ting furni­ture and can increase sales by up to 17%. Our solu­ti­ons not only enable you to main­tain your brand place­ment, but also to secure new market shares.

The advantages of the POS- T double-decker presenter

  • opti­mi­zed use of space through stacked presen­ta­tion
  • more varie­ties possi­ble in a small space
  • Increased sales through opti­mal shop­per orien­ta­tion and better product acces­si­bi­lity
  • less shelf main­ten­ance
  • can be used for other product groups
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Secure your position in the market

Glass shel­ves have mean­while estab­lished them­sel­ves as the stan­dard in many ranges. And not without reason. When swap­ping from metal to glass floors, you gain up to 20% more parking spaces . In addi­tion, up to 60% more presen­ta­tion space is crea­ted, with which you can attract the atten­tion of your shop­pers. Our smart goods carri­ers also include hanging solu­ti­ons in front of the shel­ves. This allows you to create place­ments in places that you might not even think about today.

Whether moder­niza­tion, more space or a new look — the POS‑T glass shel­ves and conso­les are the perfect solu­tion for all ques­ti­ons rela­ting to product presen­ta­tion. They are compa­ti­ble with many exis­ting shel­ving systems . With little cost and very easy conver­sion, you not only achieve a high-quality face­lift for your shel­ves, but also more presen­ta­tion space for your products. Because with the POS‑T glass shel­ves, you can maxi­mize the use of space.

POS TUNING Glasetagen

Your benefit

  • Glass shel­ves give the shelf a classy look
  • More presen­ta­tion space
  • Verti­cal space gain compared to metal shel­ves
  • Simple, inex­pen­sive instal­la­tion on many system shel­ves
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Maintain brand position with POS TUNING

With the special goods carri­ers from POS TUNING you make new product laun­ches successful. You can increase your market share in the long term with addi­tio­nal storage space and presen­ta­tion space on the shel­ves. Please cont­act us for further infor­ma­tion.

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