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Digital market research in retail

What does a docto­rate bring? Which part of the shelf is acces­sed most frequently by the shop­per? As a market rese­ar­cher, you can now gain more precise and compre­hen­sive insights into consu­mer beha­viour and product perfor­mance.

Digital market research in real time

The right products in the right quan­tity at the right place at the right time — that is a chall­enge for trade and indus­try. Using digi­tal market rese­arch, you can evaluate the sales chan­nels of the indi­vi­dual regi­ons and busi­nesses or speci­fi­cally evaluate indi­vi­dual promo­ti­ons. The opti­mum place­ment of goods on the sales floor can also be deter­mi­ned. With our tools, you get one step closer to buil­ding a perfect store and offe­ring your custo­mers the best possi­ble shop­ping expe­ri­ence. And all this happens in real time. The data can be forwarded directly to those respon­si­ble so that findings can be imple­men­ted as quickly as possi­ble.

When hardware and software shake hands

Big data in market research

Digi­tal market rese­arch uses, among other things, big data and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in order to be able to process data. You can bene­fit from quali­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive market rese­arch.

What sales did you have today natio­nally, regio­nally, per shop, per cate­gory or per product?
What are the top sellers in your cate­gory?
Which posi­ti­ons on the shelf work parti­cu­larly well?

Get to know and under­stand custo­mer beha­vior at the point of sale even better. Your bene­fits: a wide range of evalua­tions, complete data trans­pa­rency, constant avai­la­bi­lity and always knowing how much stock is on the shelf. Simply cont­act us to find out more about your opti­ons with digi­tal market rese­arch in retail.

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