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Assortment planning through READY TO STORE solution

Category management optimization through live data

The EnergyZone — New energy to increase sales!

PRINCIPAL QUESTIONS: Can the Energy Zone further boost sales? Where would this need to be placed in the market? Which range makes the most sense in combi­na­tion with chil­led energy drinks? Does a secon­dary place­ment canni­ba­lize the regu­lar refri­ge­ra­tor?


Project profile

15 stores, 2 assortments
Holi­stic analy­sis of the placed product groups in the Energy Zone.
The primary goal was to increase sales of the artic­les placed and of the Øreceipt in the parti­ci­pa­ting stati­ons.
With the help of neoalto sensor technology, goods movements were recorded to the second. Among other things, this determined how the following areas perform:
One region
A point of sale
A single facing
One brand
One flavor
Live data from each location made real-time measurement of different assortments and placements in the service station possible.
Sales growth test artic­les with place­ment in the Energy Zone +11 %.
Sales growth of the entire Bever­a­ges and Snacks cate­go­ries +3%.

Category management for optimal assortment planning

The joint cate­gory manage­ment project between Deut­sche Tamoil GmbH (HEM service station) and Red Bull was inten­ded to clarify the above issues. This goal could only be achie­ved toge­ther with other part­ners. POS TUNING took care of the deve­lo­p­ment, the cons­truc­tion as well as the logi­stics of the Energy Zone. The imple­men­ta­tion of merchan­dise feeds and the addi­tion of light­ing, toppers and bran­ding were also part of the job. Thanks to neoalto’s sensor tech­no­logy, each indi­vi­dual goods feed was made digi­tally measura­ble in order to measure and analyze the move­ment of goods (removals as well as fillings). Bormann & Gordon also provi­ded insights into user beha­vior at the service station through a digi­tal shop­per frequency measu­re­ment (3D CAM & IR knife).

By combi­ning auto­ma­tion and digi­tiza­tion, the
Energy Zone was able to send live data from diffe­rent loca­ti­ons. This made it possi­ble to
test diffe­rent plano­grams, vary the loca­tion of the instal­la­tion and also conti­nue to track shop­per beha­vior before and after reaching into the Ener­gy­Zone. Thanks to neoalto tech­no­logy, it was possi­ble to track and evaluate sales for each indi­vi­dual product down to the second.

Play Video

Cate­gory manage­ment with the Energy Zone

Push your sales

With real-time data from the Smart Shelf


Average sales growth of test artic­les placed in the Ener­gy­Zone


Sales growth test artic­les Bever­a­ges and snacks (all artic­les) on average


As a cate­gory manage­ment project, the Energy Zone was nomi­na­ted in the top 3 of the ECR Awards!

POS TUNING presents successful project! Click here!

The Energy Zone wins the Popai D‑A-CH Award in the “Best of Analy­tics Data” cate­gory

Two gold medals for POS TUNING! Click here!

Store! Global Award for the Energy Zone in the “Cate­gory Manage­ment” cate­gory

We did it again! POS TUNING honored again! Click here!

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