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POS TUNING as an employer

Our employees are the heart of the company!

Some voices of our employees

I like working at POS TUNING because new, cool tasks await me every day in my appren­ti­ce­ship

RiccardaTech­ni­cal product desi­gner appren­tice

At POS TUNING you work in a very fami­liar circle. I have great colle­agues.


I enjoy working at POS TUNING because we have such good quality and incre­di­bly great products.

LasseProduct manage­ment

The marke­ting tasks are very diverse and I can imple­ment great projects of my own. We colle­agues always meet each other with a smile here — I like that!


As a new employee at POS TUNING, I was given the confi­dence and free­dom to imple­ment stra­te­gic purcha­sing in the company right from the start. In parti­cu­lar, the close coope­ra­tion with the areas of deve­lo­p­ment, product manage­ment and quality manage­ment helps to effi­ci­ently opti­mize the procu­re­ment proces­ses.

SvenStra­te­gic Purcha­sing

We are just a great team that every employee can be proud of

FelixPlas­tics manu­fac­tu­ring

The most exci­ting chall­enge in my job in sche­du­ling is finding the compro­mise between deli­very times, inven­tory manage­ment, set-up costs and person­nel times. It is very exci­ting to master this toge­ther with the teams.


At POS TUNING, the tasks in sales are very diverse and there are always new chal­lenges that we solve toge­ther as a team. For me, that’s what makes a good company and good coope­ra­tion … toge­ther we get better and better!


In all the years I’ve been here, POS TUNING has become like a second family to me. It gives me a lot of fun and plea­sure to work with the diffe­rent perso­na­li­ties.

RonjaHR depart­ment

Your benefits as part of POS TUNING


38.5 hours working week


Value account on which over­time and under­time is recor­ded


Flexi­time for sala­ried employees


A secure job and a good working atmo­sphere


Infor­mal culture and flat hier­ar­chies


On-site car parking and good trans­port connec­tions


Char­ging stati­ons for e‑vehicles for private use


Ergo­no­mic­ally equip­ped work­sta­tions


Our own public daycare centre in the buil­ding


Company health manage­ment


Fresh fruit available free of charge


Regu­lar employee events (e.g. barbe­cue on Fridays, team-buil­ding acti­vi­ties)


Discounts on health­care and leisure acti­vi­ties


Leasing a bicy­cle via “JobRad” possi­ble


Utili­sa­tion of corpo­rate bene­fits (discount offers)


Capi­tal-forming bene­fits


Wide range of further trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties


Holi­day and Christ­mas bonus


Annual objec­ti­ves meeting once a year, at which trai­ning requests can also be expres­sed


Possi­bi­lity of a year-end premium


Acht­sam­keits­trai­ning einmal pro Monat


Arran­ge­ment of indi­vi­dual coaching sessi­ons if requi­red

FABEL Service Diagramm


FABEL stands for FAmi­lien BEtreu­ung Lippe. The FABEL service, an asso­cia­tion of Lippe compa­nies and the district of Lippe, is commit­ted to recon­ci­ling family and career.

Our employees at POS TUNING receive free and unbu­reau­cra­tic advice from FABEL-Service, for exam­ple on issues rela­ting to caring for rela­ti­ves or child­care. For new colle­agues, the FABEL service is an excel­lent way to find out about local family-rela­ted services.

To the FABEL Service website

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