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Make the product launch successful

Success at the POS

With POS TUNING your new product will be optimally pushed

Do you want to launch a new product on the market? The deve­lo­p­ment of new products is expen­sive and risky. No matter how good your product is, the flop rate of new product laun­ches is extre­mely high because custo­mers have to get to know your product first. Invest­ments in marke­ting measu­res are ther­e­fore abso­lut­ely neces­sary. With the right POS tools for your product launch, you signi­fi­cantly increase the chan­ces of lasting success.

How do I ensure the successful launch of a product?

To ensure your success when laun­ching new products, POS TUNING offers you various tools. The staging of your new product in a “novelty window” can be perfectly reali­zed with frames . The frame pulls the shop­per’s atten­tion . Stop­pers on the shelf and the Commu­ni­ca­tion via front stripes draw the shop­per’s atten­tion to the new product. Bran­ded feeders for the product ensure correct refil­ling and perma­nently good visi­bi­lity and grip for the shop­per. Move­ment catches the eye of the shop­per: Battery-opera­ted LED indi­ca­tors draw atten­tion to your new products right at the begin­ning of the new product launch

Successful product launch with POS TUNING

Get the atten­tion of your new product by using our POS tools ! These include, for exam­ple, front strips for orien­ta­tion and commu­ni­ca­tion, colo­red compart­ment divi­ders and action frames, LEDs and much more.

Our goal: Your new product launch will be a success and the product will delight the shop­per and retailer!

The stage is yours! Click here for the idea book for your brand.

FAQs on new product launches

What is a product launch?

A product launch is the date set by the company for estab­li­shing a product on the market. The actual process begins with the first idea for the product and ends with the launch of the final product on the market .

How does a product get into the supermarket?

Roughly spea­king, you can get your product into the super­mar­ket in three diffe­rent ways : You sell your product to a store mana­ger or owner for his stores. You sell your new product to the regio­nal head­quar­ters of a super­mar­ket chain (e.g. Rewe Nord, Rewe Süd, Edeka Nord…)
You sell your product to the natio­nal head­quar­ters (e.g. Edeka Natio­nal, Rewe Natio­nal). If a head office buys your product, it will be listed . This listing can vary. A “can list” means that each store of the asso­cia­ted head office can, but does not have to, include the product. A “must/mandatory listing” means that a product must be listed in every market.

As a rule, the concrete proce­dure is as follows: You convince the purcha­sing depart­ment to take a look at your new product. You prepare a presen­ta­tion for this and quality manage­ment then checks whether the product meets expec­ta­ti­ons. The product is then often initi­ally listed in a test phase in selec­ted markets . Depen­ding on its success, the product will either be remo­ved from the range or listed in other super­mar­kets.

What do I have to consider when launching the product?

There is no gene­ral road­map for laun­ching a new product . Targe­ted project manage­ment and opti­mal process design are always important. The company and the new product should always form a unit and be mutually linked. For exam­ple, you should ask yours­elf: “Does the product fit the company?”, “Is the product directly asso­cia­ted with the brand?” and “Is it value for money?”.

What is a go-to-market concept?

The market launch concept conta­ins the stra­te­gic focus of your market launch in detail. It defi­nes, for exam­ple, target groups and loca­ti­ons, your pricing policy and commu­ni­ca­tion measu­res.

Your marke­ting concept should provide answers to the follo­wing ques­ti­ons, among others:

When is the right time to launch your new product?
Which target groups do you want to address in the market launch phase?
What is the parti­cu­lar bene­fit of your product for your target groups?
How should your product be percei­ved ?
How does your product differ from compe­ti­tive products?
In which regio­nal markets should your new product be laun­ched and in what order should others be added?
What obsta­cles might stand in your way?
How should the marke­ting measu­res for the product launch be desi­gned?
How do you measure the success of your product?

What do I need to bring a product to market?

At the begin­ning you natu­rally need an idea for an inno­va­tive product . In the next step, you should create a market launch concept in which you also keep an eye on the correct place­ment of your product in the super­mar­ket . POS TUNING will be happy to support you in this.

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