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Optimise your product presentation in retail

Optimised product placement increases your impulse purchase rate

Product presen­ta­tion is of crucial importance in many sales chan­nels — not only in super­mar­kets, but also in petrol stati­ons, drugs­to­res or your local kiosk. Product place­ment is parti­cu­larly important for items such as confec­tion­ery, chil­led drinks or conve­ni­ence products, as shop­pers usually make impulse purcha­ses here. They decide on one of the products directly in front of the shelf in a matter of seconds.

An appe­al­ing shelf layout and opti­mal acces­si­bi­lity and visi­bi­lity of the products encou­ra­ges custo­mers to make more impulse purcha­ses and ensu­res impro­ved shop­ping conve­ni­ence. In conjunc­tion with custo­mer-friendly removal, impro­ved product presen­ta­tion ensu­res that higher sales can be achie­ved.

But not only is the place­ment of goods impro­ved, the shelf main­ten­ance work requi­red by your employees is also mini­mi­sed. This saves time and allows staff to be deployed else­where.

Whether retail, bran­ded or tobacco goods. POS TUNING has the perfect point of sale systems to opti­mise the place­ment of your goods.

Systems for perfect product presentation: Positioning products correctly on the shelf

With POS TUNING systems, your items are always placed exactly where the custo­mer is looking for them — right at the front of the shelf.

Shop­pers can also orien­tate them­sel­ves better and find all the items they want at first glance. Visual out-of-stocks — i.e. custo­mers who cannot find your desi­red product even though it is available — are thus perma­nently avoided.

Fresh food

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Deep freeze

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Non alcoholic beverages

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Drugstore products

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Product placement with individual system modules from POS TUNING

With the push­feed systems from POS TUNING, the items are always exactly where the custo­mer is looking for them — right at the front of the shelf. So they are always visi­ble and ready to hand.

We offer you the right push­feed system for every product to opti­mise product presen­ta­tion in retail. With our help, we place each of your goods directly within sight and reach with a perma­nent front presen­ta­tion. In addi­tion to push­feed systems, POS TUNING also offers goods lift and glide systems for opti­mum goods place­ment as well as multi-level solu­ti­ons and displays. Univer­sal systems, for exam­ple for sweets or push­feed systems for pack­a­ging trays, are also part of our point of sale products. We find the perfect system for opti­mi­sed product place­ment for all products.

Instal­la­tion is also extre­mely simple: with just a few compon­ents and quick assem­bly on all shel­ves in your retail racks. The systems can also be easily adapted to diffe­rent product widths and are univer­sally appli­ca­ble.

Thanks to the systems from POS TUNING, your retail store will have a tidy product display — perfect shelf orga­ni­sa­tion at all times!

Present and place special products with the systems from POS TUNING

POS TUNING has the right feed system for every product cate­gory. All compon­ents can be custo­mi­sed accor­ding to custo­mer requi­re­ments.

Shelf presentation of drinks & bottles

Our slow motion push­feed system enables the slow, gentle push­feed of bott­les such as wine or spirits.

Like the push­feed systems, the POS TUNING glide system also ensu­res perfect product presen­ta­tion at the front of the shelf. Even with a mini­mal tilt, it ensu­res that your products slide gently forwards on the shelf and are ther­e­fore directly within reach of your shop­pers.

Product presentation of cosmetics & drugstore items

Our POS‑T system is perfect for display­ing cosme­tica and drugs­tore products.

The pack­a­ging can be square, oval or round. Extre­mely stable side walls of the push­feed combi­ned with a trans­pa­rent front panel ensure that the products cannot break out and are still clearly visi­ble.

Presentation of frozen products

The presen­ta­tion of goods is parti­cu­larly important in the frozen food sector, as a lot of sales are gene­ra­ted through impulse purcha­ses. POS TUNING has deve­lo­ped special goods lift systems for deep free­zers for this purpose.

The goods lift systems consist of a special insert that you can easily insert into your free­zer cabi­nets. With our goods lift systems, your goods, such as frozen fruit and vege­ta­bles, ice cream, herbs or the popu­lar frozen pizza, are always lifted directly into your custo­mers’ reach.

Product presentation of fresh and convenience products

Quick sales of fresh products are parti­cu­larly important and the usually short best-before dates require regu­lar shelf main­ten­ance.

With a POS TUNING push­feed, all products are perfectly visi­ble, with signi­fi­cantly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance.

How product presentation works today

Are you still hesi­ta­ting? The advan­ta­ges of presen­ting goods using POS TUNING push­feed systems are obvious:

  • opti­mum visi­bi­lity and acces­si­bi­lity of products
  • less shelf main­ten­ance work for your employees
  • Increase in impulse purcha­ses in your store
  • aimple assem­bly with ready-to-shelf systems
  • intui­tive use for your team
    High custo­mer satis­fac­tion

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