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Efficient solutions for soft drinks at the point of sale

Whether chil­led or non-chil­led, large or small — we have the right solu­tion for all bever­a­ges. Use gravity for the product presen­ta­tion of your chil­led bever­a­ges and use the POS‑T VARUS sliding system there. Our univer­sal POS‑T Compart­ment C90 product feed system ensu­res that all bever­a­ges up to 0.7 liters are always excel­lently presen­ted.


Poor visi­bi­lity and acces­si­bi­lity for shop­pers, no orien­ta­tion as well as a messy merchan­dise image

Getränke_Nachher_POSTUNING Getränke_Nachher_POSTUNING

Perfect visi­bi­lity down to the last product, neat product image and opti­mal acces­si­bi­lity of the products

Your advantages with POS TUNING systems for soft drinks

Poor visi­bi­lity and no orien­ta­tion for shop­pers
Visual out of stocks – custo­mers cannot find the desi­red product although it is available
Untidy fabric
High shelf main­ten­ance
The goods are always placed at the front of the shelf by means of the goods feed or sliding system.
Perma­nent front presen­ta­tion and perma­nent visi­bi­lity of the products
Easy instal­la­tion due to ready-to-shelf sets
Easy hand­ling — during filling and removal
Perfect visi­bi­lity to the last product on the shelf
Better orien­ta­tion for your custo­mers
Opti­cal upgrade of the complete cate­gory
Redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort

Shelf-ready systems for the non-alcoholic beverages sector

Our merchan­dise feeding systems are versa­tile for all your non-alco­ho­lic beverage products and are deli­vered ready for the shelf.

Shelf ready? What does that mean? We want to opti­mize proces­ses and give you time. Thanks to our new inno­va­tive solu­tion, instal­la­ti­ons and conver­si­ons can now be chan­ged over not only faster, but also much more easily. Shelf-ready systems make it possi­ble.

The follo­wing tiles will take you to the cata­log pages of your desi­red cate­gory. Alter­na­tively, you can use the inquiry and order form to request a quota­tion for a stock feed system or order one directly.

Do you know this too?

The typical problems with shopping

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The typical problems with shelf maintenance

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Customer testimonials

“With the use of POS TUNING’s merchandise advancement systems, sales have developed positively …”

Learn more about the success stories from the non-alcoholic beverages category!

POS‑T VARUS sliding system – With gravity to the front!

For non-alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges over 0.7 liters, we recom­mend the POS‑T VARUS sliding system. With this prac­ti­cal sliding mat, the products move forward gently and solely by means of natu­ral gravity. The special sliding proper­ties make it possi­ble. The POS‑T VARUS sliding system convin­ces by the parti­cu­larly easy removal of the products from the shelf, an always
tidy shelf appearance
and simpli­fied shelf main­ten­ance.

How the POS‑T VARUS sliding system works

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