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Optimum product presentation in the drugstore

Product presentation solutions for drugstores from POS

Increase the shopping experience in the drugstore

Reme­dies, Beauty Care, Orga­nic Health & Whole Foods, Home & Garden Care Items and Elec­tro­nic Aids such as Batte­ries. You can find all of these things in a drug store.There is a huge selec­tion of diffe­rent products in all shapes and sizes. To ensure that the shel­ves look good and struc­tu­red despite the wide range of product proper­ties, we have deve­lo­ped systems that support you in your drugs­tore with shelf maintenance.Especially with the range of beauty care, it is important that the shel­ves look nice and well-groo­med. Custo­mers should feel comfor­ta­ble in your store and enjoy spen­ding time between your shelves.Due to the fact that the care products usually have diffe­rent shapes and pack­a­ging, it is not so easy to create a beau­tiful, harmo­nious shelf image that does not have to be tidied up all the time. Whether large, small, round, square, narrow or wide, we have the right solu­tion for every product

Your projects — your success

Custo­mers are satis­fied if they can find their products imme­dia­tely and don’t have to search for a long time, because some­ti­mes things have to be done quickly in ever­y­day life. But when custo­mers have more time, it is also an advan­tage to have well-struc­tu­red and stimu­la­ting shel­ves in your drugs­tore for brow­sing. A lot of time between the tidy shel­ves means gathe­ring inspi­ra­tion and, in many cases, buying and test­ing new products.

With our systems, shelf main­ten­ance is no longer a big effort. Push feed systems and compart­ment divi­ders are very good aids for tall and narrow products such as sham­poo or deodo­rant and ensure a harmo­nious appearance so that every product has its place. With the help of our stock beacons, you avoid out of stock and are noti­fied in good time as soon as the products on the shel­ves run out.

Where can I test the POS TUNING systems live ?

Are you inte­res­ted in our products and would you like to test them live in advance? Then visit one of our pilot markets.

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