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POS TUNING — Learn more About us

Our mission: Make. Shopping. Simply. Better.

Customers become fans!

POS TUNING is the global specia­list for the point of sale. If frozen pizzas, tobacco products, cosme­tics or other products are always presen­ted on the super­mar­ket shelf in the opti­mum posi­tion for view­ing and hand­ling, then it is highly likely that a POS TUNING system is behind it.
Our vision of the “happy shop­per” is what drives and moti­va­tes us to simply make shop­ping better. We auto­mate and digi­ta­lise statio­nary retail in order to create time for the most important thing: the custo­mer.
And why? Happy custo­mers are loyal and like to buy their products again and again from retail­ers who not only fulfil their needs, but also create lasting enthu­si­asm. This requi­res the perfect shop­ping expe­ri­ence. The shop­per should be inspi­red and shop­ping should be fun. With many inno­va­tions and stra­te­gic deve­lo­p­ments, as a family-run company we stand for quality, profes­sio­na­lism and part­ner­ship-based coope­ra­tion, from which you as a retailer bene­fit through lower costs and more sales.

After that we strive

Our goals

POS TUNING takes respon­si­bi­lity for social, ecolo­gi­cal and econo­mic deve­lo­p­ment. Our goal is an envi­ron­ment worth living in and a posi­tive future for those who come after us. Only toge­ther can we achieve this goal. That is why we constantly scru­ti­nise our thoughts and actions and check them for their sustainable foot­print. We check the use of our resour­ces against our sustainable goals and regu­larly analyse our energy balance.

So that we can Make. Shop­ping. Simply. Better. with a green consci­ence.

Our ecological endeavor

We take respon­si­bi­lity for the envi­ron­ment by ACTING RESPONSIBLY.


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Our economic endeavor

Our company prin­ci­ples and certi­fi­ca­ti­ons — Quality at POS TUNING!


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Our social aspiration

Passing on success — through SOCIAL COMMITMENT


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More info

Find out even more about us!


The history of a family busi­ness


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Our branch offices

Our bran­ches world­wide


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Sales partner

Our part­ner world­wide


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Expe­ri­ence and test our solu­ti­ons up close


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Little POS child care

Our dedi­ca­ted child­care


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… also take a look at our social media channels!

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!