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Sales displays: Perfect presentation for your point of sale

The lasting impression

POS displays

Are you looking for effec­tive sales displays that put your products in the best possi­ble light? With our high quality sales displays, you can increase your sales and make your brand stand out espe­ci­ally next to the compe­ti­tion. No matter what format you need, we at POS TUNING have the right solu­tion for you.

A sales display is an indis­pensable tool to put your products in the spot­light at the point of sale. It provi­des an attrac­tive presen­ta­tion area to attract the atten­tion of poten­tial custo­mers and increase the impulse to buy. Our displays are thoughtfully desi­gned and combine appe­al­ing design with func­tional stabi­lity.

The POS displays are speci­ally desi­gned for direct use at the point of sale. They can be placed at check­out areas, next to shel­ves or on coun­ters and speci­fi­cally draw custo­mers’ eyes to your products. In this way, you create opti­mal product place­ment and increase the visi­bi­lity of your brand.

Directly at the counter

Counter displays for impulse purchases

Coun­ter displays can be easily placed directly at the point of sale at any time. With opti­mal visi­bi­lity in the buying process, you can increase impulse purcha­ses and gene­rate valuable bran­ding effects over your compe­ti­tion.

To the cata­log

Increase visibility

Shelf displays for strong brand presence

Free-stan­ding shelf displays expand the sales area and ensure a high level of atten­tion. Often the free­stan­ding floor displays are placed in the center of the store to reach as many custo­mers as possi­ble. Shelf displays also lend them­sel­ves to check­out areas. POS TUNING offers sales displays in any shape, color and various mate­ri­als.

You need a special design? No problem! Through our close coope­ra­tion with brand manu­fac­tu­r­ers, we have many years of expe­ri­ence in the crea­tion of indi­vi­dual display solu­ti­ons and point of sale products.

Your advantages with displays from POS TUNING

  • Make your product stand out from the crowd
  • Gene­ra­ting atten­tion and orien­ta­tion
  • Compa­ti­bi­lity with all POS‑T systems
  • Opti­mal for new product laun­ches
  • Constant brand presence

Our sales displays convince not only with their high func­tion­a­lity, but also with their dura­bi­lity and stabi­lity. They are made of robust mate­ri­als that can easily with­stand the demands of daily use. In addi­tion, we offer you the possi­bi­lity to custo­mize your sales displays and adapt them to your speci­fic requi­re­ments.

We will be happy to advise you and toge­ther find the best solu­tion for your needs.

The stage is yours!
Click here for the idea book for your brand.

Sales promotion at the POS

Shelf & Shop Construction
Shelf construction with style and intelligence

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To the product

Shelf arrangement
Tidy and visible

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To the product

Presentation of goods in retail
Set the scene for products

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To the product

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