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Digitization with the help of Smart Shelf

Automated supply with the smart supply solution

Eliminate any manual effort

Use the smart supply solu­tion that easily turns your shelf into a smart shelf.
The solu­tion from our part­ner neoalto impro­ves your care in no time at all:
Toge­ther with your experts, you will bring your supply process into a
fully auto­ma­ted and digi­tal process. This allows you to reduce your manual workload
and increase your produc­ti­vity.

Your smart supply solution for automated inventory reporting

Smart supply is the solu­tion that provi­des you with an auto­ma­ted supply — always with the right goods, in the right quan­tity, at the right time and in the right place.

It detects any move­ment of goods 24/7, measu­res stock levels, displays out-of-stocks and poten­tial over­sa­les. You can use the wealth of infor­ma­tion and data analy­ses provi­ded by neoal­to’s smart supply solu­tion to opti­mize your goods manage­ment.

The push­feed from POS TUNING forms the basis for the smart supply and the smart shelf. State-of-the-art tech­no­logy is used to record stock levels on the shelf and report them to the neoalto Retail Service Cloud in real time. This means that you as a retailer are infor­med directly about the stock levels on the shel­ves. The cloud is acces­si­ble to you as a user via digi­tal end devices or can be connec­ted to any ERP. In addi­tion, the system not only reports stock levels and thus avoids out-of-stock situa­tions, but also trig­gers auto­ma­tic orders if requi­red. With smart supply, you can increase the avai­la­bi­lity of goods, gene­rate more sales in the long term and reduce mark­downs. With neoalto smart supply, your employees not only have less shelf main­ten­ance work, but stock checks and orders are also auto­ma­ted. This means you save more costs and your employees can take care of the important things.


Online inventory management with smart supply

neoalto smart supply is parti­cu­larly important for inven­tory manage­ment. As a retailer, you always need the right product, in the right quan­tity, at the right time and in the right place. Empty shel­ves or out-of-stock situa­tions can thus be skillfully avoided. With the online inven­tory manage­ment of your smart supply solu­tion, the plan­ning and orde­ring of goods is auto­ma­ted and made more effi­ci­ent. In addi­tion, stock reports can be sent in a targe­ted manner to ensure the avai­la­bi­lity of goods. Thus, a targe­ted and simpli­fied plan­ning is given. Smart supply offers a perfect over­view of the stock on the shelf in real time.

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