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Our successful products for shelf organization

With perfect shelf order, you score points with your custo­mers. Take advan­tage of POS TUNIN­G’s solu­ti­ons for opti­mi­zed shelf orga­niza­tion. From compart­ment divi­ders to front panels and goods chutes. We offer a wide range of opti­ons for your product presen­ta­tion at the point of sale. Let POS TUNIN­G’s solu­ti­ons for perfect shelf orga­niza­tion convince you and restruc­ture your shel­ves.

The right system components for every need

More than just a “plastic shelf divider”

POS‑T tray divider

From the custo­mer’s point of view, shelf orga­niza­tion and avai­la­bi­lity of goods are decisive factors for a quick decis­ion at the point of sale. Often the problem is not just the lack of items, but above all orien­ta­tion, i.e. the struc­tu­ring and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the essen­tial items and infor­ma­tion in wide and opaque assort­ments. This is where POS comes in with shelf divi­ders for perfect shelf orga­niza­tion. The POS‑T compart­ment divi­ders create clear struc­tures and help the custo­mer to orien­tate them­sel­ves. Search and access times are shor­tened by an opti­mi­zed shelf orga­niza­tion and the impulse purchase rate is measur­a­bly increased.

Depen­ding on the product and appli­ca­tion, we offer shelf divi­ders in 35, 60, 100 or 120 mm heights and in lengths from 80 to 580 mm. In addi­tion, POS‑T compart­ment divi­ders are not just simple “plas­tic shelf divi­ders”, but a system with many intel­li­gent detailed solu­ti­ons for opti­mal shelf orga­niza­tion. The product feed systems enable opti­mal visi­bi­lity, easy orien­ta­tion in the range and a greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort. Both custo­mers and their employees bene­fit from the easier removal of products. The shelf divi­ders are easy to install on all floors and shel­ves and can be adjus­ted to diffe­rent product widths, so that a change in the range is possi­ble.

  • Opti­mum visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion, greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • Easy moun­ting on all floors
  • Easy adapt­a­tion to diffe­rent product widths — simple plano­gram chan­ges
  • Custo­mer-friendly removal and easy storage due to a low front height

And this is only a short excerpt from the POS‑T tray divi­der range. Further vari­ants are available on request.

POs-T Fachteiler

Advantages of our compartment dividers

  • Quality from the market leader — POS‑T poly­car­bo­nate divi­ders are stable and unbre­aka­ble
  • The perfect pair — POS‑T shelf divi­ders with POS‑T merchan­dise feeders
  • Over­view and order on the shelf
  • Opti­mum orien­ta­tion for the custo­mer, greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • Easy moun­ting with only one handle on all shel­ves
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Safe on the shelf!

POS‑T front screens

Secure hold of the goods in the shelf is of great importance for a perfect shelf order — no matter whether when putting away or pulling forward or ensu­ring a parti­cu­larly custo­mer-friendly removal — you achieve all this with the shat­ter­proof POS‑T front panel for U‑beads.

The inno­va­tive manu­fac­tu­ring process made by POS TUNING in Ostwest­fa­len-Lippe has many advan­ta­ges over compa­ra­ble products. Clean, roun­ded edges with full trans­pa­rency allow safe removal and full visi­bi­lity.

POS-T Frontscheiben

Your benefit

  • Secure hold of the products when putting away or pulling forward
  • Parti­cu­larly custo­mer-friendly product removal from the shelf
  • Best quality made in Germany and at the same time parti­cu­larly inex­pen­sive
  • 65 mm univer­sal front panel, pluggable into all U‑beads
  • All commer­cial lengths available
  • More shat­ter­proof compared to conven­tio­nal acrylic and glass front panels
  • Reduc­tion of finger­prints and other soiling due to manu­fac­ture in poly­car­bo­nate
  • Roun­ded edges — no danger of cutting for custo­mers, gentle to pack­a­ging
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Order in the smallest space

POS‑T goods pouring

POS‑T tubs made of high quality acrylic are the perfect merchan­dise dispen­sers for small merchan­dise or non-packa­ged products such as travel size cosme­tics, givea­ways, indi­vi­du­ally wrap­ped confec­tion­ery and cradle merchan­dise. Whether for use on coun­ters, in check­out areas, or on retail shel­ves, POS‑T merchan­dise chutes entice custo­mers to reach directly into them. The trans­pa­rent boxes make the goods easily visi­ble and encou­rage purchase. You can get the POS‑T goods trays in diffe­rent sizes, also stackable and with indi­vi­dual prin­ting. Give your coun­ter that certain some­thing!

POS Lösung Schütte

Your benefit

  • Order for micro products provide more sales and better appearance
  • Better clarity and easier orien­ta­tion

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!