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Passing on success — through social commitment

We believe that the foot­print we leave should not be limi­ted to the envi­ron­ment. How we posi­tion oursel­ves in society and see oursel­ves as “initia­tors” must be at least as important. Fair working condi­ti­ons and a healthy and safe working envi­ron­ment are the corner­sto­nes of our social respon­si­bi­lity.
As a family-run company, the well-being of our employees, espe­ci­ally the compa­ti­bi­lity of family and work, is important to us. For exam­ple, since August 2014 we have set up an in-house day-care center called “Little POS”. But coope­ra­tion with other orga­niza­ti­ons is also important to us. We not only support the “Bad Salzuf­ler Tafel” and the Herford zoo. We are also a coope­ra­tion part­ner of the Werl-Aspe compre­hen­sive school and regu­larly give school­child­ren the oppor­tu­nity to gain an insight into the world of work with company tours or intern­ships. Our trai­nees also visit the school and report on their appren­ti­ce­ships. We also support sport in the region. We are a spon­sor of SV Werl-Aspe and TBV Lemgo-Lippe. For some years now, we have been giving up the obli­ga­tory Christ­mas pres­ents and prefer­ring to donate to various natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal aid orga­niza­ti­ons.

POS Tuning against food destruction


Did you know that 20% of all food is destroyed even though it is still edible? In East West­pha­lia, too, there are many people who have fallen into finan­cial diffi­cul­ties. The “Tafel” helps these people. At POS TUNING we often need “real products” to deve­lop and test our products. So in the past many products have accu­mu­la­ted, which later could only be dispo­sed of. In the mean­time we work toge­ther with the “Bad Salzu­fle­ner Tafel”. The products are passed on directly as soon as we no longer need them, thus support­ing a good cause.

POS TUNING Bad Salzufler Tafel
POS TUNING - Erste Hilfe für Kinder Arbeitsbuch

Children learn first aid

When it comes down to it, ever­yone should be able to provide first aid to their fellow human beings. In order to moti­vate even the youn­gest to help, we support the Förder­ver­ein Notfall­me­di­zin Biele­feld e.V. with a dona­tion. This money will be used to produce child-friendly work­books on first aid and distri­bute them free of charge to primary schools in the region.

Learn more about the project

Cooperation with the ASPE comprehensive school

In Febru­ary 2019, we ente­red into a coope­ra­tion with the Aspe Compre­hen­sive School.

The aim of this coope­ra­tion is to awaken and deve­lop the students’ inte­rest in the world of busi­ness, work and care­ers.
This takes place, for exam­ple, within the frame­work of company explo­ra­ti­ons and regu­lar intern­ships.

The students also gain further insights into the world of work, espe­ci­ally into our wide range of appren­ti­ce­ships.
Our trai­nees visit selec­ted clas­ses to present their appren­ti­ce­ship occu­pa­ti­ons and report on their prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence.

Logo Gesamtschule ASPE

Animal-friendly partnership with Herford Zoo

We have been support­ing the Herford Zoo for many years. There, young visi­tors are taught important know­ledge about deal­ing with animals at an early age. The big visi­tors, which of course also include our employees, also enjoy the beau­tiful zoo in Herford.

POS TUNING Kooperation Tierpark Herford Lemur

Sports sponsorship in the region

Support­ing young people in sports is close to our hearts, which is why we support our local sports clubs, for exam­ple through peri­me­ter adver­ti­sing, adver­ti­sing on match sche­du­les or jerseys.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!