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Cooperation with Lebenshilfe Lemgo and Herforder Werkstätten

30 people with disabilities will start work at the Bad Salzufel-based company

POS TUNING, Lebenshilfe Lemgo and Herforder Werkstätten seal cooperation

Bad Salzuflen/Lemgo/Herford. (bre) With the signing of the contract, an initial idea has now become a genuine coope­ra­tion: Lebens­hilfe Lemgo and Herfor­der Werk­stät­ten will enter into a part­ner­ship with POS TUNING from Bad Salzu­flen from Septem­ber. The common goal is to get people with disa­bi­li­ties back to work.

The premi­ses where the new colle­agues will start work are curr­ently still being comple­ted. POS TUNING is expan­ding its produc­tion area at the Meerbrede site in Bad Salzu­flen and will also set up rooms there speci­fi­cally for this new work area, which will then be made available to Lebens­hilfe Lemgo and the Herford work­shops.

“Comple­tion is plan­ned for the fall. The aim for the future is to further inte­grate Lebens­hilfe Lemgo and the Herford work­shops. The short distances will make it easier to inte­grate suita­ble produc­tion acti­vi­ties. The rele­vant employees will also be deployed to help with our recy­cling acti­vi­ties, which have been expan­ded as a result of the site expan­sion. In this way, we are also secu­ring our sustaina­bi­lity goals,” explains POS TUNING Mana­ging Direc­tor Bernd Schä­kel.

Company owner Oliver Voßhen­rich sends out a clear signal. “We have a social respon­si­bi­lity. Our aim is to clearly streng­then this respon­si­bi­lity as a company. Our coope­ra­tion with Lebens­hilfe and the work­shops has always been excel­lent. Ther­e­fore, the decis­ion to deepen our joint path in the future was an obvious one. One thing is clear to us: inclu­sion can only succeed if it is lived by ever­yone.”

Andreas Holt­mann, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Herfor­der Werk­stät­ten, agrees: “We have the oppor­tu­nity here to give people pros­pects that they would not find under other circum­s­tances. With our concept, we can offer these people a place­ment in the job market.” Rudolf Lange­mann, CEO of Lebens­hilfe Lemgo, also empha­si­zes the importance of this coope­ra­tion: “In the past, we have alre­ady seen how valuable the alli­ance between us and POS TUNING is. We are ther­e­fore all the more plea­sed that this story is being contin­ued!”

And so, from Septem­ber this year, 30 people with disa­bi­li­ties will start work at POS TUNING. The work they carry out there is varied and diverse. They may perform tasks in the area of project commis­sio­ning or manual assem­bly as well as mecha­ni­cal acti­vi­ties. They are super­vi­sed and accom­pa­nied by quali­fied specia­lists for work and career deve­lo­p­ment. These super­vi­sors are employees of Lebens­hilfe Lemgo and the Herfor­der Werk­stät­ten who have comple­ted trai­ning in trade or indus­try. In addi­tion to this trai­ning, they also have addi­tio­nal special educa­tio­nal trai­ning. This enables them to provide indi­vi­dual and support­ive assis­tance to people with disa­bi­li­ties with minor problems or ques­ti­ons.

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Press cont­act:
Maren Brett­meier
+49 5222 36965–646
+49 172 1338139