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POS Shopper Marketing & Shopper Customer Marketing

Shop­per marke­ting at the POS means asking yours­elf the ques­tion: “How do I inte­rest the shop­per in my products?”

We give you answers to ques­ti­ons about shop­per marke­ting at the point of sale! Special effects on the shelf, such as light or special displays, attract the shop­per’s atten­tion and inte­rest. Based on consu­mer and shop­per insights, we work with you to deve­lop target group-speci­fic marke­ting measu­res to acti­vate shop­pers and thus trig­ger purcha­ses at the POS. Of course, we always take your indi­vi­dual goals into account.

Shopper marketing at the point of sale

Invite the shop­per to browse! Make them curious and draw atten­tion to your brand with unusual product place­ment: light on the shelf crea­tes value. With our illu­mi­na­ted compart­ment divi­ders you set accents around your brand — and can easily acti­vate shop­pers directly at the point of sale!

The stage is yours! Click here for the idea book for your brand.

Shopper activation at the point of sale

Would you like to be successful at the point of sale? Then you have to meet the needs of your custo­mers in the best possi­ble way and convince them comple­tely of a product. The better you under­stand your poten­tial custo­mers, the more targe­ted you can use measu­res to acti­vate shop­pers, which then have a posi­tive effect on the shop­ping expe­ri­ence and ensure an increase in sales in the long term.

Thanks to shop­per marke­ting with POS TUNING, shop­pers are enthu­si­a­stic! Win new custo­mers for your brand with Shop­per Expe­ri­ence Marke­ting measu­res.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!