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Brand perception at the point of sale

What is not seen is not bought. This is why your product belongs in the best view and reach at the point of sale – in pole posi­tion, so to speak. Achieve more sales directly with POS brand acti­va­tion at the point of sale!

Increase shelf visibility and
influence brand perception

Shel­ves can be divi­ded into diffe­rent zones. The stret­ching zone (starts from 170 cm), the vision zone (height from 120 cm to 170 cm), the grip­ping zone (between 80 cm and 120 cm) and finally the bending zone (ever­y­thing under 80 cm).

What custo­mers asso­ciate with your brand is brand percep­tion. This percep­tion can signi­fi­cantly influence purcha­sing decis­i­ons. With POS TUNING you can influence and measure brand percep­tion.

If you evaluate this percep­tion within the indi­vi­dual zones, it beco­mes clear that products in the bending zone are hardly noti­ced or not noti­ced at all. If your brand is only mana­ged in the buck zone, no brand percep­tion can be built up. If a product is placed in the grip­ping zone, brand aware­ness alre­ady increa­ses.

Opti­mal place­ment on the shelf is ther­e­fore essen­tial for buil­ding brand percep­tion.

The stage is yours! Click here for the idea book for your brand.

Prerequisites for more success at the point of sale: promoting brand awareness

The way the goods are presen­ted at the point of sale deter­mi­nes the success of your product: over 65% of purcha­sing decis­i­ons are only made at the point of sale. This is where your custo­mer meets your product for the first time — the moment of truth: Does the point of sale reflect the messa­ges of your brand conveyed “above the line”?

Because only what is seen is also bought! By using push feed systems, your products are always in pole posi­tion. Even the last product on the shelf is trans­por­ted to the front and is directly in the custo­mer’s field of vision.

We are inno­va­tion leaders in the field of pusher systems and are the ideal part­ner to increase your brand aware­ness and to place your products in a visi­ble way. Get in touch and let us advise you indi­vi­du­ally!

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