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Us and the tobacco industry — a success story

We are the specialist for tobacco product placements!

Always the right solution

POS TUNING sets stan­dards in the presen­ta­tion of tobacco products at the point of sale. Ciga­ret­tes and co. without a push­feed system? No longer conceiva­ble. POS‑T presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons now contri­bute to the success of the tobacco cate­gory in more than 120 count­ries world­wide.

Do you want more space for new cate­go­ries on the tobacco shelf?
Do you want your brands to stand out on the tobacco shelf in an eye-catching way?
Do you want to know how many products are on your shel­ves?
… and that for all diffe­rent products in the area of tobacco and next gene­ra­tion products?

We have the solu­tion for you!

Tobacco solutions

Our presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons are versa­tile for all your tobacco products: Click here to access the cata­log pages of your desi­red solu­ti­ons:

Ready-Made Cigarettes (RMC)Presentation solutions

Ready-Made Ciga­ret­tes (RMC)

Our push feed system is the global bench­mark for the perfect presen­ta­tion of ciga­rette brands. With first-class quality, simple instal­la­tion and high compa­ti­bi­lity with products and product carri­ers, we have been setting stan­dards world­wide for many years. Disco­ver also our solu­tion for inven­tory manage­ment of your ciga­rette rack.


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Other Tobacco Products (OTP)Presentation solutions

Other Tobacco Products (OTP)

Disco­ver our presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons for your OTP products. Pouch tobacco, cigars and ciga­ril­los are always opti­mally presen­ted with the systems from POS TUNING. Find out more about our solu­ti­ons now.


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Next Generation Products (NGP)Presentation solutions

Next Gene­ra­tion Products (NGP)

Whether epods, devices, liquids, or oral tobacco — we have the right solu­tion for every product and every place­ment vari­ant (lying, stan­ding, side­ways). Present your alter­na­ti­ves to the clas­sic ciga­rette store in a parti­cu­larly appe­al­ing and highly visi­ble way on the shelf with POS TUNING’s solu­ti­ons.


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Dark MarketPresentation solutions

Dark Market

In your market, tobacco products are no longer allo­wed to be openly displayed due to legal regu­la­ti­ons? Here, our solu­ti­ons for the point of sale offer new place­ment and stocking opti­ons, opti­mi­zed inven­tory manage­ment and easy orien­ta­tion for the employee.


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Plain PackagingPresentation solutions

Plain Pack­a­ging

Neutral one-size-fits-all pack­a­ging can no longer convey your brand message at the point of sale? Buyers and employees have diffi­culty navi­ga­ting tobacco? Our point of sale solu­ti­ons can ensure that they still draw atten­tion to your brand and provide the best orien­ta­tion at the tobacco shelf.


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TPD2 marketsPresentation solutions

TPD2 markets

The TPD2 law chan­ged the entire tobacco market. Images with a warning func­tion, which could make your custo­mers stop using tobacco, have been displayed on every pack since then. With our solu­ti­ons, such as the clearance gauge, you can still draw atten­tion to your brand — in compli­ance with all legal requi­re­ments.


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Shisha tobaccoPresentation solutions

Shisha tobacco

New sales displays and new shelf solu­ti­ons are needed for retail­ers and special shisha tobacco stores. Strong visi­bi­lity and attrac­tive posi­tio­ning at the point of sale is essen­tial.

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Shop fittingSystem solutions

Shop fitting

Here you will find, among other things, solu­ti­ons for inven­tory manage­ment, coun­ter and shelf compon­ents, light­ing and orien­ta­tion aids.


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Would you like to find out more?

Click here to go directly to the cata­log

Success Stories

are written with POS TUNING.


Our presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons can be found in over 120 count­ries world­wide


Sales increase for tobacco products when using the POS‑T clearance profile


Up to 50% more storage spaces with the same shelf space

Customer testimonials

POS TUNING Unternehmen

Your direct contact to our tobacco experts

If you have any ques­ti­ons or sugges­ti­ons regar­ding tobacco, our service team will be happy to assist you at any time. Cont­act us!

Cont­act us now

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!