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Presentation solutions for your OTP products

Bag tobacco, cigars and cigarillos

OTPs belong up front!

Other Tobacco Products — the egg-laying lizard of the cate­gory desi­gna­tion. Ciga­ril­los, pouches, square and round tins, buckets, zip bags to leaves and tubes. In other words, OTPs are versa­tile. Accor­din­gly, the presen­ta­tion of goods at the point of sale must also be versa­tile. But versa­ti­lity is not auto­ma­ti­cally compli­ca­ted — with just a few diffe­rent POS‑T merchan­dise feeds, you can achieve opti­mal presen­ta­tion of your OTPs at the point of
Sale. And this is important, even more important than ever. Due to rising ciga­rette prices, OTPs have been gaining in importance for years. Do-it-yours­elf is the trend. Ther­e­fore, it would be too bad if the cans, buckets and slee­ves in the
Back­ground disap­pear. That’s not where they belong. Equally important: Displays and secon­dary place­ments provide the basis for addi­tio­nal sales or successful
Product laun­ches and high­light the value of the products — for use on the coun­ter or on the shelf.

The problems of the category “Other Tobacco Products” (OTP)

  • Nume­rous diffe­rent pack­a­ging sizes and shapes compli­cate presen­ta­tion
  • Many promo­tio­nal products and get-to-know offers in small
  • Rising ciga­rette prices mean “Make Your Own” products are gaining in importance

Your advantages with POS TUNING goods presentation solutions

  • Better visi­bi­lity of the products
  • Uncom­pli­ca­ted with­dra­wals
  • Better orien­ta­tion due to tidy shelf appearance
  • Opti­mal utiliza­tion of the available space
  • More turno­ver

Looking for more shelf space?

The presen­ta­tion of tobacco products is often a chall­enge. Count­less diffe­rent types of tobacco and ciga­ret­tes are to be accom­mo­da­ted on a usually small, limi­ted shelf space. In addi­tion, there are the Next Gene­ra­tion Products. It is stea­med, heated and chewed. Unfort­u­na­tely, shelf space cannot simply be expan­ded or enlar­ged. POS TUNING has the solu­ti­ons to help you present more tobacco products in the same space through smart systems.

OTP solutions

Roll Your Own

Roll Your Own (RYO)

Presen­ta­tion solu­tion for RYO artic­les, suita­ble for all stan­dard shel­ves. Secure stand, more stabi­lity and opti­mal visi­bi­lity of the products, even for narrow and thin packa­ges.


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Cigarillos & Cigarettes

Cigars & Ciga­ril­los

Presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons for cigars and ciga­ril­los. Stable presen­ta­tion with goods feed and compart­ment divi­der system.


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Make Your Own

Make Your Own (MYO)

The POS‑T stack­ing chan­nel offers you the possi­bi­lity to present your Oral-Tobacco cans in a space-saving and clear stacked arran­ge­ment. Whether lying or stan­ding — a really round thing.


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Learn more about the success stories from the tobacco category!

The experts at the point of sale

We are your world­wide part­ner when it comes to your tobacco shelf.
Whether king-size, big or slim packs, round oral tobacco cans or modern
E‑cigarettes as cap or liquid system. Whether stan­ding or
presen­ta­tion — all products are opti­mally presen­ted with POS TUNING.
set in scene. We also have the right answers to the
Problems of the future — chan­ged legal frame­work condi­ti­ons and
Reduc­tion of available shelf space. Our long expe­ri­ence
in this market segment makes us your relia­ble specia­list.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!