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From transport packaging to perfect product presentation

With our system tray, you can turn your trans­port pack­a­ging into the perfect presen­ta­tion pack­a­ging. Thanks to the compa­ti­bi­lity of our tech­no­logy, your products are always at the front — in the best view­ing and grip area of the shop­per. There is no need to pull it forward and putting it away is chil­d’s play.

This is how easy it is to achieve the perfect presentation in just 5 steps

POS-T Systemtray Anleitung

An addi­tio­nal perfo­ra­tion on the back and/or under­side of the trans­port pack­a­ging for carry­ing out the POS‑T goods feed turns your stan­dard tray into a POS‑T system tray. As a “one-time invest­ment”, the shel­ves are to be equip­ped with the special POS product feed for “tray opera­tion”.

pos tuning pos-t systemtray image

Your benefit

  • Every second shop­per prai­ses the better order and over­view
  • With the same dwell time, the dropout rate is redu­ced thanks to better orien­ta­tion
  • The number of impulse purcha­ses increa­ses thanks to better product visi­bi­lity
  • The effort requi­red to store goods with a system tray is redu­ced by 40% compared to storing indi­vi­dual products.
  • The effort requi­red to bring the goods forward is comple­tely elimi­na­ted
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