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Moving forward together — also in the specialist trade

POS TUNING is the compe­tent part­ner of retail­ers and ensu­res that every shelf at the POS always looks attrac­tive and filled, even with low stocks. The sales effect and the time saved in shelf main­ten­ance have alre­ady amazed many of our custo­mers. Convince yours­elf also of our fabric feeding systems.

The right material feed system for every product

Discover solutions for your specialty store

Case study

Success Stories

are written with POS TUNING.

The use of POS TUNING in a test store of the Austra­lian food retailer BIGW resul­ted in impres­sive impro­ve­ments


Increase in sales during the test period


Opti­mal appearance of the shel­ves


Perma­nent visi­bi­lity and tangi­bi­lity

Where can I test the POS TUNING systems live ?

Are you inte­res­ted in our products and would you like to test them live in advance? Then visit one of our pilot markets.

Show all pilot markets

Your direct contact to our trade experts

If you have any ques­ti­ons or sugges­ti­ons regar­ding the trading area, our service team will be happy to assist you at any time. Cont­act us!

Cont­act us

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!