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POS TUNING — Sustainability and transparency

We bear responsibility for the environment


As a plas­tics proces­sing company, POS TUNING has a special respon­si­bi­lity with regard to an undis­tur­bed house­hold of nature. We are aware of the role we play and review each proces­sing step in terms of the inter­play between people and the envi­ron­ment. Thus, our products are tail­o­red for special longe­vity. We produce quali­ta­tively on the highest tech­ni­cal stan­dard, because we want that only the best products leave our house. We attach great importance to the selec­tion of mate­ri­als. We take back any old mate­rial, sort it and return it to a mate­rial cycle. This ensu­res that we can repro­cess a large propor­tion of the plas­tics into new products or convert them into new products.
We heat our buil­dings with heat reco­very from the compres­sed air produ­ced by our machi­nes, and we will convert our vehicle fleet to e‑mobility in the future. Every single step, no matter how small, is a step toward a more sustainable future.

Our ambi­tion is to be climate neutral by 2030.

Energy saving refrigeration systems

The cooling system with compres­sion refri­ge­ra­tion was repla­ced by energy-saving refri­ge­ra­tion systems with free cooling equip­ment.

Energy efficient vacuum pumps

The vacuum pumps on the extru­sion line were upgraded to an even more energy-effi­ci­ent vari­ant.

Energy saving LED illuminant

The light­ing in the halls as well as the outdoor light­ing was comple­tely conver­ted to energy-saving LED lamps.

Öko-Strom-Regio Lippe

We produce with 100% elec­tri­city from rene­wa­ble sources.

All-electric injection molding machines

We use energy-saving, all-elec­tric injec­tion molding systems in produc­tion, which consume up to 60% less energy than conven­tio­nal hydrau­lic systems.

Heating with heat recovery

We heat our buil­dings via heat reco­very from the compres­sed air produc­tion of our machi­nes.

On site recycling

Plas­tic waste from the injec­tion molding cycle is proces­sed into new parts directly at the point of origin.

Efficient profile drying

We have chan­ged our profile drying in the whole area of extru­sion from compres­sed air to a more effi­ci­ent vari­ant with side chan­nel compres­sor and a distri­bu­tion system.

We take back any old goods

Resource-saving recycling cycle

All our products are high quality and have many years of tested dura­bi­lity. We take back used shel­ving systems free of charge and inde­pendently of the manu­fac­tu­rer and trans­fer them to a resource-saving recy­cling cycle. We act respon­si­bly for a POSi­tive future. The POS-T full service offer of free disas­sem­bly and dispo­sal of old goods from your shelf is included when you book an assem­bly from POS TUNING. You want to exch­ange old goods? Cont­act us!

— This offer is curr­ently only valid for our custo­mers in Germany —

Certificate for assured sustainability


The future is close to our hearts and we act accor­din­gly every day. We were even awarded the valuable seal of appr­oval from the German Insti­tute for Sustaina­bi­lity and Econo­mics for this.

POS TUNING project at Treedom

Visit the POS TUNING forest

We support the sustainable project “Tree­dom” for growing trees. These trees are plan­ted by small­hol­ders, for exam­ple in Kenya. In addi­tion to the ecolo­gi­cal aspect, the social compo­nent also plays a major role, because the yield from these fruit-bearing trees directly bene­fits the farmers.

To the POS TUNING forest

Mehr über Nachhaltigkeit bei POS TUNING finden Sie hier

To the sustaina­bi­lity report accor­ding to the GRI Content Index

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