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Our POS‑T Full Service Offer

We do it for you!

Full service for your success

Take advan­tage of our offer: You order POS TUNING products for a cate­gory of your choice. 14 days after recei­ving your order, our service team will come to you and trans­form your old shelf into a real eye-catcher in no time at all. We will empty the shelf, install the new POS TUNING products and then put your cate­gory back in. Very easy and quick and with no extra effort for you.

— This offer is curr­ently only valid for our custo­mers in Germany —

Clea­ring out — remo­de­ling — putting things away
within 14 days
from orde­ring at a fixed price

The POS‑T full service offer provides:

  • more sales
  • pays for itself within a year
  • opti­mal avai­la­bi­lity and acces­si­bi­lity
  • perfect visi­bi­lity
  • less shelf main­ten­ance effort
Send inquiry now


Questions about POS‑T Full Service

1. how to calculate the price ?

We offer the service package for you at a clearly calculable fixed price. The price will be adjus­ted before­hand depen­ding on the facing and cate­gory. The price is calcu­la­ted from the number of cate­go­ries and facings, or the number of floors and assem­bly details. Howe­ver, we have deve­lo­ped our system so that you can get our service package for a low, flat, fixed price.

2. how is such a rebuild planned?

After perso­nal discus­sions on site, we plan for you with the recor­ded data such as dimen­si­ons, color, etc., an offer, after veri­fi­ca­tion, an order is provi­ded with an instal­la­tion date as agreed. On the agreed day, we will come to you with an appro­priate team and will clear out your shel­ves, make appro­priate modi­fi­ca­ti­ons, and finally install the orde­red systems. We plan in such a way that we rest­rict busi­ness opera­ti­ons as little as possi­ble.

3. what is the process exactly?

After an appoint­ment has been made and a quota­tion has been prepared, we will ask you to approve the order. We then work with our POS team to plan your indi­vi­dual order, inclu­ding the deli­very and instal­la­tion date in your store. If this stands, we come punc­tually and relia­bly to the agreed upon date and install from, around and with auto­ma­ting POS TUNING systems. The last step after you are comple­tely satis­fied is called happy shop­per! Because your custo­mers also owe you the many advan­ta­ges of our goods advan­ces.

4. Am I bound to POS TUNING afterwards?

No, you conti­nue to enjoy all the free­doms. Howe­ver, we hope to be able to convince you with our products, so that we will conti­nue to be your first cont­act for all point of sale solu­ti­ons in the future.

5. is the price valid for one or more categories?

The price is valid only for one cate­gory, if you would like to equip more cate­go­ries, we will send you an upgrading offer without further ado and will be happy to go through it with you.

6. Can I rearrange my shelf by myself after that?

This is also very easy to do with a short instruc­tion. We will be happy to assist you by email or phone with any ques­ti­ons or make an appoint­ment for guidance.

7. how long does a rebuild take?

This depends on the volume of the cate­go­ries that are to be equip­ped. The amount of work invol­ved in each cate­gory also plays a decisive role. Howe­ver, we try to plan in your inte­rest with the fastest possi­ble conver­sion, where we can still perform our POS‑T quality of assem­bly.

8. can I still change something during the conversion?

Addi­tio­nal facings can be added to the cate­gory to be equip­ped until shortly before deli­very. Then we deli­ver indi­vi­du­ally to order, with a mini­mum buffer as a reserve mate­rial. Ther­e­fore, for exam­ple, a spon­ta­neous expan­sion would be diffi­cult, but we try to meet your wishes and needs at all times.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!