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Presentation solutions for Next Generation Products (NGP)

Next Generation Products — Take a seat!

Generations conflict

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

2 facings per parking space

The problems of the “Next Generation Products” (NGP) category

  • Exis­ting shel­ving systems are usually not expan­da­ble and occu­p­ied by clas­sic ciga­ret­tes
  • Next Gene­ra­tion Products find no place on the shelf
  • A jungle of coun­ter displays are the result
  • As a result, Next Gene­ra­tion Products are not percei­ved as a sepa­rate cate­gory
  • The risk of theft in the check­out area is high

Your advantages with POS TUNING goods presentation solutions

  • You gain shelf space for your new NGPs
  • NGPs are percei­ved as their own cate­gory and perfectly staged
  • Store owners are ready to add more products to the assort­ment

Looking for more shelf space?

The presen­ta­tion of tobacco products is often a chall­enge. Count­less diffe­rent types of tobacco and ciga­ret­tes are to be accom­mo­da­ted on a usually small, limi­ted shelf space. In addi­tion, there are the Next Gene­ra­tion Products. It is stea­med, heated and chewed. Unfort­u­na­tely, shelf space cannot simply be expan­ded or enlar­ged. POS TUNING has the solu­ti­ons to help you present more tobacco products in the same space through smart systems.

Liquid Caps

Liquid Caps

The push­feed for liquid caps & pods solves the problem that they are narrower than conven­tio­nal ciga­ret­tes.
At just 16 mm, the front clam­ping area between the front stop and the push­feed is suita­ble for all pack depths.


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Liquid vial

Liquid bott­les

Tilt-proof front presen­ta­tion of small liquid vials (with or without outer carton).


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Vapour Equipment

Vapour Equip­ment

E‑cigarettes, vapor and star­ter kits can also be presen­ted with our POS TUNING products.


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Duplex S

Duplex S

Perfect presen­ta­tion of narrow and small products with the POS‑T Duplex S Pusher.


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Double your exis­ting product spaces on the tobacco shelf.


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Duplex XL

Duplex XL

Disco­ver the new space-saving mira­cle for your brand presen­ta­tion on the tobacco shelf and triple your product storage space.


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Opti­mal presen­ta­tion solu­tion for e‑shisha products.


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Oral tobacco doses

Oral tobacco

Whether honey­comb chan­nel, rolling presen­ter or modu­lar stack­ing chan­nels, round oral tobacco tins have never been so easy to present in a chic and space-saving way.


To the cata­log

Find out more about the success stories from the tobacco category !

Experts at the point of sale

We are your world­wide part­ner when it comes to your tobacco shelf. Whether king-size, big or slim packs, round oral tobacco cans or modern e‑cigarettes as cap or liquid system. Whether stan­ding or lying presen­ta­tion — all products are opti­mally staged with POS TUNING. We also have the right answers to the problems of the future — chan­ging regu­la­tory frame­works and reduc­tion of available shelf space. Our many years of expe­ri­ence in this market segment make us your relia­ble specia­list.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!