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Presentation solutions for Next Generation Products (NGP)

A new gene­ra­tion of nico­tine products is growing up. It is now also stea­med, heated and chewed. There is only one problem with this. The “old” ciga­ret­tes are blocking the way for the new gene­ra­tion — the way to the shelf. Because space is alre­ady at a premium. And clas­sic ciga­ret­tes are still in a more econo­mic­ally profi­ta­ble posi­tion, which is why redu­cing the RMC range is out of the ques­tion. But is a jungle of coun­ter displays the right answer? No! It’s time for the young gene­ra­tion to rebel. It’s time to put the old gene­ra­tion to sleep and come forth oursel­ves. With a hori­zon­tal presen­ta­tion in the new POS‑T Duplex Pusher you double your product facings in the exis­ting shelf thanks to an addi­tio­nal shelf level — the perfect place for your RMC slow movers!


1 Facing per pitch

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2 facings per pitch

The problems of the “Next Generation Products” (NGP) category

  • Exis­ting shel­ving systems are usually not expan­da­ble and occu­p­ied by clas­sic ciga­ret­tes
  • Next Gene­ra­tion Products find no place on the shelf
  • A jungle of coun­ter displays are the result
  • As a result, Next Gene­ra­tion Products are not percei­ved as a sepa­rate cate­gory
  • The risk of theft in the check­out area is high

Your advantages with POS TUNING goods presentation solutions

  • You gain shelf space for your new NGPs
  • NGPs are percei­ved as their own cate­gory and perfectly staged
  • Store owners are ready to add more products to the assort­ment

Looking for more shelf space?

The presen­ta­tion of tobacco products is often a chall­enge. Count­less diffe­rent types of tobacco and ciga­ret­tes are to be accom­mo­da­ted on a usually small, limi­ted shelf space. In addi­tion, there are the Next Gene­ra­tion Products. It is stea­med, heated and chewed. Unfort­u­na­tely, shelf space cannot simply be expan­ded or enlar­ged. POS TUNING has the solu­ti­ons to help you present more tobacco products in the same space through smart systems.

Learn more about the success stories from the tobacco category!

Experts at the point of sale

We are your global part­ner when it comes to your tobacco shel­ves.
Whether king-size, big or slim packs, round oral tobacco tins or modern
e‑cigarettes as a cap or liquid system. Whether stan­ding or
lying presen­ta­tion — all products are opti­mally staged with POS TUNING
. We also have the right answers to the
problems of the future — chan­ging legal frame­work condi­ti­ons and
reduc­tion of available shelf space. Our many years of expe­ri­ence
in this market segment make us your relia­ble specia­list.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!