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We have pushfeed systems for every requirement

Ensure order at the point of sale

100 % visibility at the front of the shelf

Do you want to present the range on the shelf to your custo­mers in such a way that they can make their choice in just a few moments? With our POS‑T push­feed systems for retail, you achieve 100% visi­bi­lity from the first to the last item and always create an attrac­tive product presen­ta­tion. From our modu­lar system, we put toge­ther the perfect push­feed for your packa­ged goods. It does­n’t matter whether your product is packed in a carton or in plas­tic pack­a­ging, whether it is round, square or oval, whether it is presen­ted in a blis­ter pack or in a bag, whether you want to show it off in a display or whether it is placed in the free­zer. It is guaran­teed to get the push it needs!

You have the cate­go­ries

We have the solution

POS‑T Compart­ment 60
for drugs­tore products

To the product

POS‑T Compart­ment 90
for diffe­rent cate­go­ries

To the product

POS‑T Compart­ment 130
for frozen products

To the product

What makes our pushfeed systems so special

Our push­feed systems are always the right choice when it comes to perfect front presen­ta­tion. Why? The answer is simple: they are versa­tile and easy to install. They are also charac­te­ri­zed by their dura­bi­lity and ease of use. They reduce the time requi­red for shelf main­ten­ance and the tidy shelf appearance provi­des a better over­view for shop­pers and employees

Various sizes
Our push­feeds cover almost all product sizes and weights.

Small products
With our “mini” feeds, even the little ones are in the front row.

High quality
Best appearance and dura­ble quality.

Products at risk of tipping
Incli­ned feed housings ensure opti­mum stabi­lity right up to the last pack.

We don’t just put love into our pushfeed systems

What is the secret of feed force?

Our push­feed systems are packed with know­ledge and expe­ri­ence. And a little inge­nious idea. A spring is the key to success at the point of sale. It ensu­res that our push­feed housing is always pushed forward with the right force. Depen­ding on the strength of the spring, a wide variety of products can be moved to the front of the shelf. Whether the product is large or small, light or heavy: the strength of the spring is the secret.

A so-called shelf divi­der ensu­res that the product rows are orga­ni­zed and subdi­vi­ded. This also keeps the goods stable.
There is a small spring in the feed housing. It provi­des the neces­sary pres­sure to push the products forward.
A guide sliding profile ensu­res that the feed system is held secu­rely. Parti­cu­larly neces­sary for heavy or round product ranges.
The front anchor prevents the goods from falling out and serves as an adapt­a­tion element of the system.

We have the answers to your questions!

How long does a pushfeed system last?

You will enjoy our push­feed systems for a long time if you pay atten­tion to a few small details. Proper hand­ling and care of the push­feeds are the basis for long, successful use at the point of sale. With every deli­very you will receive a small info sheet contai­ning the neces­sary facts on how to handle our push­feed systems.

Do I get a warranty on the product?

Our products are guaran­teed for 3 years.

What do I need to consider when installing?

Our push­feed systems are easy and quick to install. You will receive instruc­tions with the deli­very. Of course, you can also use our instal­la­tion service. The POS TUNING team is also available at any time to answer ques­ti­ons and provide assis­tance.

How many parts do I need for the presentation of my products?

This varies depen­ding on the cate­gory and requi­re­ments. We will advise you on your order in advance and calcu­late how many feeds you need for your indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments.

Can I install the pushfeed system in every shelf?

Any commer­ci­ally available shel­ving unit can be equip­ped with POS TUNING push­feed systems. No conver­sion or retro­fit­ting to other shel­ving units is neces­sary.

What does the pushfeed system cost?

The price for your indi­vi­dual order depends on seve­ral factors: Length and depth of your shel­ving unit, number of facings, how many cate­go­ries — We will calcu­late the exact price for you when you place your order.

Are the pushfeeds recyclable?

Our push­feeds go through a cycle. We disas­sem­ble old discarded or retur­ned push­feeds into indi­vi­dual parts accor­ding to type and then return parts to the recy­cling process. This crea­tes a cycle of goods that gives old discarded products a second life.

What do I do if I have a conversion?

Conver­sion within the plano­gram chan­geo­ver is easy with our push­feed systems. You adjust the spacing of the system based on the product widths and move the shelf divi­ders and push­feeds on the front rail supplied. If you still need help with the conver­sion, please do not hesi­tate to call us. Our POS TUNING team can help you with tips and tricks.

Our pushfeed systems have many advantages

The effect is impressive!

Simply looking good is not enough for us! We want added value for you and your shop­pers.

By deci­ding to install POS TUNING push­feed systems, you are also deci­ding on more sales. Because only what can be seen can be bought. Each product is given the best space you have to offer and this is at the front of the shelf. The effect: custo­mers can orient them­sel­ves better and buy the desi­red product more quickly. Out-of-stocks can be seen and recti­fied imme­dia­tely.

Let us inspire you!

100% perfect appearance and overview at a glance

Not possi­ble? Not possi­ble! Is your product parti­cu­larly small or at risk of tipping over during storage? No problem! Our push­feed systems offer opti­mum support and can be used for a wide variety of cate­go­ries. Whether drugs­tore, confec­tion­ery or frozen products: With POS TUNING push­feed systems, you are always in the best posi­tion. But take a look for yours­elf.

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