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Our successful pushfeed systems for the point of sale

Keep the shelf front tidy

100% visibility with our pushfeed systems

Would you like to present your custo­mers with the range on the shelf in such a way that they can make their choice in just a few minu­tes? With our POS‑T push­feed systems for retail, you achieve 100% visi­bi­lity from the first to the last item and always create an attrac­tive product presen­ta­tion. From our modu­lar system, we put toge­ther the perfect push­feed for your packa­ged goods. It does­n’t matter whether your product is packed in card­board or plas­tic pack­a­ging, whether it is round, square or oval, whether it is presen­ted in a blis­ter pack or in a bag, whether you pack it in a display or whether it is in the deep free­zing is placed. It is guaran­teed to get the push it needs!

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The right pushfeed system for every need

POS‑T Compartment C60
Goods pushfeed system for drugstore items

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POS‑T Compartment C90
Universal pushfeed system

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POS‑T Compartment C130
Goods pushfeed system for deep-freeze cabinets

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POS‑T U‑Channel
Pushfeed system for all fixed width products

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POS‑T modular system
The modular system for pushfeed systems

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Our pushfeed for all cases

POS‑T Compartment C60

The Compart­ment C60 is the ideal puhs­feed system for product groups that include round, oval and also square packa­ges with a width of 39mm or more. To prevent these commer­cial goods from “brea­king out” of the line, they must be supported by extre­mely stable walls on the side. For this purpose, the POS push­feed with indi­vi­dual feed strength is easily and flexi­bly moun­ted on the shel­ves. A trans­pa­rent and robust front screen also ensu­res a uniform front image and addi­tio­nal stabi­lity. The uniform shelf front provi­des a visual enhance­ment of the entire shelf and leads to a perma­nent presen­ta­tion of goods on the shelf.

Our push­feed are ther­e­fore parti­cu­larly suita­ble for the drugs­tore, where many diffe­rent product forms are found.


Your benefit

  • opti­mum visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion
  • greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • simple instal­la­tion of the fabric slide on all floors
  • easy adapt­a­tion to diffe­rent product widths and simple plano­gram chan­ges
  • custo­mer-friendly removal and easy storage thanks to low front height
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THE universal pushfeed system

POS‑T Compartment C90

Orien­ta­tion, time savings, increased turno­ver and custo­mer friend­li­ness — you can achieve all this with the All in One System C90 from POS TUNING.

The tech­no­logy with the All in One System C90 is the univer­sal push­feed system with inte­gra­ted shelf divi­der and is suita­ble for all items from 53mm product width, inclu­ding stacked products, bagged goods and bott­les.

The instal­la­tion of the push­feed system is extre­mely simple. With one click the concept snaps onto the adap­ter profile. By simply lifting and moving, you can adapt the concept to all product widths — making even plano­gram chan­ges child’s play.

We also have a solu­tion ready for you for gentle feeding with the fabric pusher. With our paten­ted SloMo tech­no­logy, wine bott­les or stacked goods, for exam­ple, are pushed forward with the right amount of pres­sure, but with parti­cu­lar care.

Your benefit

  • opti­mum visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion
  • greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • simple instal­la­tion on all floors
  • bery easy adapt­a­tion to diffe­rent product widths
  • univer­sally appli­ca­ble, simple plano­gram chan­ges
  • custo­mer-friendly removal and easy storage thanks to low front height
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The fpusheed system for freezers

POS‑T Compartment C130

The C130 system is a univer­sal push­feed system and was speci­ally deve­lo­ped for the extreme condi­ti­ons of deep-free­zing. Its robust texture resists ice and frost and provi­des unique flexi­bi­lity and stabi­lity. The unique front attach­ment with­stands even the stron­gest pres­sure during filling and ensu­res a long service life.

This push­feed system covers the complete frozen range of carton and pouch pack­a­ging and is suita­ble for retail products up to 90mm wide. An addi­tio­nal push­feed profile is available for very large merchan­dise from 150mm width.

Espe­ci­ally in the frozen food depart­ment at ‑18 degrees, custo­mers want to find the products they are looking for quickly. Ensure perfect orien­ta­tion with the perma­nent front presen­ta­tion — this shor­tens the decis­ion-making process at the point of sale and leads to shorter door opening times, less energy wastage and satis­fied custo­mers.

Your benefit

  • opti­mum visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for custo­mers — Redu­ced door opening times
  • greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • front-presen­ted goods create a “wall” to the rear area — cold is retai­ned
  • low instal­la­tion comple­xity with few compon­ents and simple instal­la­tion on all floors
  • very easy adapt­a­tion to diffe­rent product widths
  • univer­sally appli­ca­ble, simple plano­gram chan­ges
  • low front height for custo­mer-friendly removal and easy storage
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The all-in-one feed solution for various articles

POS‑T Channels

The U‑channels with POS TUNING push­feed are the solu­tion for asym­me­tri­cal, round, soft-packed and even coni­cal items. They are suita­ble for all cate­go­ries where subse­quent adjus­t­ments to product widths are secon­dary, such as spice jars, round ice cream tubs, small bott­les, tubes or baking ingre­di­ents.

Each of our U‑channels has an inte­gra­ted push­feed and forms a self-contai­ned tech­no­logy, making instal­la­tion uncom­pli­ca­ted. The chan­nels can be remo­ved for filling and are also ideal for use in displays and high-quality shelf furni­ture.

The POS‑T chan­nels are available in various widths from 39 to 93 mm as stan­dard.

Your benefit

  • easy hand­ling thanks to fixed widths with inte­gra­ted push­feed
  • products no longer catch on each other thanks to exact adapt­a­tion to the widths of coni­cal products
  • greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • easy instal­la­tion on all floors
  • custo­mer-friendly removal of products and easy storage thanks to low front height

The right thing for every need

POS‑T Modular pushfeed systems

Create order on your shel­ves. With our modu­lar system, you can put toge­ther the right filing and push­feed system for you accor­ding to the modu­lar prin­ci­ple. The choice is yours!

Compartment divider

The POS‑T divi­ders create clear struc­tures and help your custo­mers to find their way around with clear subdi­vi­si­ons. Each product stands in its compart­ment and cannot slide to the right or left. This shor­tens the customer’s search and access times and measur­a­bly increa­ses the impulse purchase rate.

Depen­ding on the product and appli­ca­tion, we offer the divi­ders in heights of 35, 60, 100 or 120mm and in lengths of 80 to 580mm. Moreo­ver, the compart­ment divi­ders are not just simple “plas­tic divi­ders”, but a system with many intel­li­gent detailed solu­ti­ons.

Because we offer compart­ment divi­ders…

- with special front attach­ment — for every floor type.

- in diffe­rent colors, which help the custo­mer to keep an over­view.

- with light­ing that sets accents on the shelf and with the help of brand- or range-speci­fic segment divi­ders you can bring struc­ture to your products.

- with prede­ter­mi­ned brea­king points at the rear, because our Vario shelf divi­ders can be adapted to the corre­spon­ding shelf depth on site.


So simple and yet so inge­nious — the prin­ci­ple of our push­feeds is simple and highly effi­ci­ent! A push­feed housing is connec­ted to a roller spring, the end of the roller spring is atta­ched to the front of the shelf on the adapter‑T profile and pulls the push­feed housing forwards accor­din­gly. The goods in between are simply pushed forward with them.

The push­feeds from POS TUNING ensure 100% visi­bi­lity from the first to the last item and a tidy presen­ta­tion of goods at all times.

Our push­feeds are available in diffe­rent sizes and shapes — for large, heavy, small and narrow products. In combi­na­tion with one of our compart­ment divi­ders, you get a product compart­ment with a push­feed func­tion.

The stain­less steel springs of diffe­rent strengths ensure that your items are pushed forward with the opti­mum thrust.

Adapter‑T profile — the perfect fastening

The adapter‑T profile forms the basis for compart­ment divi­ders and push­feeds. It is used for the front or rear attach­ment of shelf divi­ders and push­feeds on all stan­dard shel­ves.

Depen­ding on the type of shelf, the fastening profiles are easily fitted by gluing (with film or foam adhe­sive tape for glass or wooden shel­ves), clip­ping on (for shel­ves with U‑shaped beading), clip­ping on (for wire shel­ves) or using magnets (for metal shel­ves). Compart­ment divi­ders and pushers can then be atta­ched in a single step.


Your benefit

  • modu­lar system — the right feed solu­tion for every product
  • opti­mum visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion
  • greatly redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort
  • low comple­xity with few compon­ents and simple instal­la­tion on all floors
  • easy adapt­a­tion to diffe­rent product widths and simple plano­gram chan­ges
  • dura­ble and relia­ble — “TÜV” and GS tested
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We are happy to take over all the important steps for you with our full-service offer. From the selec­tion of the right modu­les to the final instal­la­tion on the shelf, we are at your side.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!