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Efficient solutions for drugstore products

Optimise your drugstore shelves

Make your drugstore department shine with elegance

In areas display­ing products for face, body and hair care, the same amount of care must be given to shelf presen­ta­tion. This is not always simple in the drugs­tore sector because the products come in diffe­rent shapes. Without a push­feed system, this can quickly pose a chall­enge. We can help you ensure imma­cu­late presen­ta­tion, and ther­eby improve your sales.


Poor visi­bi­lity, orien­ta­tion and acces­si­bi­lity for shop­pers and an untidy product presen­ta­tion

pos tuning drogerie vergleich: vorher pos tuning drogerie vergleich: nachher

Perfect visi­bi­lity right up to the last product, tidy product presen­ta­tion and opti­mal product acces­si­bi­lity

The benefits you’ll get from the POS TUNING pushfeed system for drugstore products

Drugs­tore products typi­cally have very diffe­rent types of pack­a­ging (boxes, tubes, blis­ter packs, etc.). This results in parti­cu­lar chal­lenges when presen­ting the products and main­tai­ning the shel­ves. Many products, espe­ci­ally sham­poo or deodo­rant bott­les, can easily topple over. This can result in a domino effect, meaning multi­ple facings have to be comple­tely re-done. Custo­mers often have diffi­culty finding the desi­red product, parti­cu­larly for shel­ves not loca­ted at direct eye level. Usually, the product is indeed available on the shelf, but is not visi­ble to custo­mers because it is further at the back.

With the help of the pushfeed or glide system, everything has its place on the shelf and stays securely in its compartment.
Perma­nent front presen­ta­tion and lasting visi­bi­lity of products by means of a push­feed system
Flexi­ble use for all drugs­tore products, even if the plan­ned programme is chan­ged
Easy instal­la­tion due to shelf ready sets
Simple to use – when stocking and remo­ving products
Good orien­ta­tion and visi­bi­lity for the shop­per, meaning more impulse purcha­ses
Signi­fi­cant sales increa­ses proven in case studies
Consider­a­bly less shelf main­ten­ance effort
Satis­fied shop­pers and staff

Shelf ready systems for use with drugstore products

Our systems are versa­tile and can be used for all of your drugs­tore products and are deli­vered shelf ready.

Shelf-ready? What does that mean? We want to opti­mise proces­ses and save you time. Thanks to our new inno­va­tive solu­tion, instal­la­ti­ons and modi­fi­ca­ti­ons are now not only quicker, but also much easier. Shelf-ready systems make it possi­ble.

The follo­wing tiles will take you to the cata­lo­gue pages of your desi­red cate­gory. Alter­na­tively, you can use the enquiry and order form to request a quota­tion for a merchan­dise hand­ling system or order it directly.

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The typical problems with shelf maintenance

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

Customer testimonials

Systems from POS TUNING support day-to-day shelf maintenance and product range optimisation …”

<h5>Customer feedback</h5>



Up to 23% increase in sales using our push­feed systems for drugs­tore products!
Find out more …

Regaloptimierung Bereich Drogerie

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