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Goods presentation for shisha tobacco — this is how you put your products in the spotlight

Other ranges & legal changes

New shisha packaging sizes have far-reaching consequences for trade and the environment

For retail­ers and special shisha tobacco stores, it means that new sales displays and new shelf solu­ti­ons are needed. Due to the ban on adver­ti­sing in Germany, high visi­bi­lity and attrac­tive posi­tio­ning at the point of sale are essen­tial.

POS TUNING is inno­va­tion and market leader in the field of product presen­ta­tion and ther­e­fore the best cont­act when it comes to opti­mal visi­bi­lity in the tobacco shelf and feeding systems for the new hookah tobacco pack­a­ging sizes.

Inno­va­tions in product lines or entire chan­ges in legis­la­tion affect not only brands and manu­fac­tu­ring, but also the presen­ta­tion of goods and sales. These chan­ges make it inevi­ta­ble to choose new presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons and streng­then brand percep­tion at the POS.

Attractive product presentation in the tobacco area

The limi­ted shelf space in retail is a real chall­enge for an attrac­tive tobacco presen­ta­tion. Now there are also chan­ged pack sizes for shisha tobacco. Impres­sing custo­mers with an attrac­tive product presen­ta­tion is beco­ming incre­asingly important. Crea­ti­vity and effec­ti­ve­ness are requi­red here. Our shel­ving systems are charac­te­ri­zed by both proper­ties and are ther­e­fore ideally suited to present your products perfectly. Our goods pusher systems ensure a perma­nent front presen­ta­tion of the shisha tobacco. The duplex pusher ensu­res opti­mal use of space, even with small shel­ves and small sales areas.

To the cata­log

Use shisha shelves effectively — from round to square

Anything is possi­ble, from square to round. There are no limits to your imagi­na­tion here. We would be happy to deve­lop an indi­vi­dual solu­tion for your products toge­ther with you. For exam­ple, round cans of shisha tobacco can be opti­mally presen­ted with our POS systems.

To the cata­log

Would you like to find out more?

Let’s deve­lop a solu­tion toge­ther for the new inno­va­tive products in the shisha indus­try.

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