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POS TUNING — Our competences

Our vision of the “happy shop­per” is our drive and moti­va­tion to simply make shop­ping better. We auto­mate and digi­tize statio­nary retail to free up time for the most important thing: the custo­mer.

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

That makes us

Our competences

POS TUNING takes respon­si­bi­lity for social, ecolo­gi­cal and econo­mic deve­lo­p­ment. A liva­ble envi­ron­ment and a posi­tive future for those who come after us is our goal. Only toge­ther can we achieve this goal. That’s why we are always ques­tio­ning our thoughts and actions and checking them for our sustainable foot­print. We review the use of our resour­ces against our sustainable goals and regu­larly evaluate our energy balance.

So that we shop­ping. Supply. Simply. Better. With a green consci­ence.

Our main location in Bad Salzuflen


We are a family busi­ness with around 190 employees. At our main loca­tion in Bad Salzu­flen in Germany, both the admi­nis­tra­tion and the complete produc­tion are loca­ted. All our products are manu­fac­tu­red here on site. There are further POS TUNING subsi­dia­ries and sales offices in Spain, France, Great Britain and Turkey. We work closely with our stra­te­gic sales part­ners world­wide.

made in germany

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