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With us your brands are perfectly staged!

At the point of sale, the shop­per finds count­less brands. How do you succeed in keeping your brand in focus and getting shop­pers to buy it? Use the solu­ti­ons of POS TUNING and rely on more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence. We are the specia­list for the opti­mal presen­ta­tion of goods at the point of sale. Whether it’s merchan­dise feed systems, displays crea­ted indi­vi­du­ally for you, or other solu­ti­ons to high­light your brand on the shelf — POS TUNING is the recipe for your success at the point of sale.

Your brand — your success

They want to be No. 1 — both for retail­ers and shop­pers. When choo­sing products, there should be no doubt that your brand is at the fore­front. POS TUNING is your compe­tent part­ner for perfect product place­ment at the point of sale. Toge­ther we convince retail­ers with inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons — because your brand deser­ves the best place­ment!

Would you like to find out more?

Then take a look at our PDF down­load area on the subject of brands!

More on the topic of brandsHere it goes to the idea book
Push your sales

Success Stories

are written with POS TUNING.

The use of the POS‑T merchan­dise feed system with simul­ta­neous conver­sion of the choco­late bars from land­scape to portrait format led to impres­sive results for Mond­e­lez in India:


Increase in sales during the test period


Space gain on the shelf


Perma­nent visi­bi­lity and tangi­bi­lity

Customer testimonials

Where can I test the POS TUNING systems live ?

Are you inte­res­ted in our products and would you like to test them live in advance? Then visit one of our pilot markets.

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