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Tobacco at the Point Of Sale
This is how success works!

To the pole position with POS TUNING

Count on success!

Do you want more space for new cate­go­ries on the tobacco shelf?do you want to high­light your brands in an eye-catching way on the tobacco shelf?do you want to know how many products are on your shel­ves?… and for all the diffe­rent products in the tobacco and next gene­ra­tion products sector?we have the solu­ti­ons for you!


1 facing per space

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

1 facings per space

The benefits you’ll get from the POS TUNING pushfeed system for tobacco products

  • Clear brand communication at the point of sale – for all products around tobacco & Co.

  • Optimised space utilisation on the shelf

  • Attractively expandable – with additional functions such as lighting or inventory management solutions

  • Practical solutions for extending the stocking – for example in the counter area

Customer feedback

“POS TUNING products are consistently of the very highest standard …”

Looking for more shelf space?

The presen­ta­tion of tobacco products is often a chall­enge. Count­less diffe­rent types of tobacco and ciga­ret­tes should be accom­mo­da­ted on a usually small, limi­ted shelf space. Next Gene­ra­tion Products are another chall­enge. It is stea­med, heated and chewed. Unfort­u­na­tely, shelf space cannot simply be exten­ded or enlar­ged. POS TUNING has the solu­ti­ons how you can present more tobacco products on the same space through smart systems.

POS‑T Duplex Pusher

POS‑T Duplex Pusher


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POS‑T Wabenkanal

Honey­comb chan­nel

Bees are smart! Due to the special hexa­gon cons­truc­tion of their honey­combs, bees not only make opti­mum use of the available space – with the highest possi­ble stabi­lity. Present your tins in the best possi­ble way.


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POS‑T Modular stacking channels

POS‑T Modu­lar stack­ing chan­nels

The modu­lar stack­ing chan­nels provi­des you with the oppor­tu­nity to present your oral tobacco tins in a space-saving and clearly struc­tu­red stacked arran­ge­ment. Whether lying or stan­ding – truly an „all-round“ talent.


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POS‑T Mini SloMo

POS‑T Mini SloMo

The damped push­feed POS‑T Mini SloMo ensu­res a soft and slow move­ment of very small and light products. This prevents noise or products tipping out.

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Up to 18% in sales with our front presen­ta­tion solu­tion with light.
Find out more …

Find out more about the success stories from the tobacco category!

Solutions for use in the tobacco category

Plain Packaging
Presentation Solutions


Ready-Made-Cigarettes (RMC)Presentation solution

Ready made ciga­ret­tes (RMC)

Our push­feed system is the global bench­mark for the perfect presen­ta­tion of ciga­rette brands. With a top product quality, simple instal­la­tion and a high level of compa­ti­bi­lity with products and goods carri­ers, we have been setting global stan­dards for many years. Also disco­ver our stock manage­ment solu­ti­ons for your ciga­rette shelf.


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Other Tobacco Products (OTP)Presentation solutions

Other Tobacco Products (OTP)

Disco­ver our presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons for your OTP products. Pouch tobacco, cigars and ciga­ril­los are always opti­mally presen­ted with POS TUNING systems. Find out more about our solu­ti­ons now.

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Next Generation Products (NGP)Presentation solutions

Next Gene­ra­tion Products

Whether ePods, devices, liquids or oral tobacco – we have the right solu­tion for every product and every place­ment vari­ant (hori­zon­tal, verti­cal, late­ral). Present your alter­na­ti­ves to clas­sic ciga­rette trade on the shelf in an espe­ci­ally attrac­tive and highly visi­ble way, with the help of the solu­ti­ons from POS TUNING.


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Dark MarketPresentation solutions

Dark Market

Are you no longer allo­wed to openly display tobacco products in your shop due to legal provi­si­ons? In this case, our solu­ti­ons for the point of sale offer new place­ment and stocking opti­ons, opti­mi­sed stock manage­ment and easy orien­ta­tion for staff.


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Plain PackagingPresentation solutions

Plain Pack­a­ging markets

Has plain pack­a­ging stop­ped you from being able to convey your brand message at the point of sale? Are shop­pers and staff having diffi­cul­ties finding their way around the tobacco area? Our solu­ti­ons for the point of sale can help you to draw atten­tion to your brands regard­less of this, and offer opti­mal orien­ta­tion at the tobacco shelf.


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TPD2 MärktePresentation solutions

TPD2 Markets

The TPD2 law chan­ged the entire tobacco market. Since the law, warning images are shown on every pack, which may take away the custo­mers desire to consume tobacco. Our solu­ti­ons such as the loading gauge help you to attract atten­tion to your brands regard­less of this – whilst still comply­ing with all legal provi­si­ons.


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Shop fittingSystem solutions

Shop fitting

Here you can find solu­ti­ons and other things rela­ted to stock manage­ment, sales coun­ter and shelf compon­ents, light­ing and orien­ta­tion guides.


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