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Our successful products for shelf & shop fittings

The perfect look

Dress up your store

Do you want to inspire custo­mers when they enter your market? Or do you want to expand your range and need more space to present all the items appro­pria­tely? Do you want a high-quality presen­ta­tion on a parti­cu­larly elegant merchan­dise display? Do you want to high­light a depart­ment or certain products? Then ensure an appe­al­ing product presen­ta­tion!

We have the solu­ti­ons! Click on the product tiles below and disco­ver unique shel­ving systems. Ensure the best possi­ble product presen­ta­tion with our products and make the appearance of your shop perfect.

The right product for every need

Glas TiersShelf construction with style and intelligence

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EnlighteningPerfectly illuminated shelves thanks to LEDs

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High-Class Glas

POS‑T glass tiers

Whether you want to achieve moder­niza­tion, increased shelf space or a new look – POS‑T glass shel­ves and brackets are your solu­tion. They are compa­ti­ble with many exis­ting shel­ving systems. With little cost and a very simple conver­sion, you will not only achieve a high-quality face­lift for your shel­ves, but also more display space for your products. POS‑T glass shel­ves will enable you to achieve maxi­mum space utili­sa­tion.

The glass shel­ves have smoot­hed edges and are shat­ter­proof. Widths up to 1250 mm are available. The special univer­sal brackets with inte­gra­ted rubber support round off the appearance.

Whether it’s for expen­sive spirits, luxury perfume or tobacco products – the use of POS‑T glass shel­ves will put your products in the lime­light.

POS TUNING Glasetagen

Your benefits

  • Refi­ned look for the shelf through glass shel­ves
  • More display space
  • Verti­cal space gain compared to metal shel­ves
  • Simple, cost-effec­tive instal­la­tion for a variety of system shel­ves

Enlightening — Emotional — Environmentally friendly

POS‑T LED Systems

Around 90% of all infor­ma­tion is recei­ved by the human eye. Howe­ver, it only remains in the human sensory memory for a frac­tion of a second. Offe­ring objec­tively good services is not enough; shop­pers must also notice and appre­ciate them.

POS‑T light­ing posi­tio­ned right next to the goods on the shelf, catches the atten­tion of shop­pers and brings the products into focus. This increa­ses sales of the illu­mi­na­ted products by 19% on average

(source: DDI USA, Niel­sen 2009)

POS-T LED Systeme

Your benefits

  • Better visi­bi­lity of the products and ther­e­fore higher sales
  • Orien­ta­tion and emoti­ons at the POS
  • Noti­ceable increase in the amount of impulse buys
  • Reduc­tion of energy consump­tion with the envi­ron­men­tally friendly POS‑T LED systems
  • POS‑T LED systems are free from infrared (IR) and ultra­vio­let (UV) light which protects your price tag rails and other plas­tic parts in the direct vici­nity

Have we aroused your interest? Then please contact us!