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Product presentation solution for electronics stores

Optimize product presentation in electrical specialist shops

Moder­niza­tion and digi­tiza­tion are progres­sing more and more these days. People want all elec­tro­nic devices to be faster, better and bigger, and manu­fac­tu­r­ers are commit­ted to satis­fy­ing custo­mers’ demands.
There are always more new products that expand the latest range. When a new product comes onto the market, this does not mean that an older product is imme­dia­tely with­drawn from the market. As a result, the choice of products is incre­asing and the space on the shel­ves is decre­asing.
Our motto is Make. Supply. Simply. Better. We are the strong part­ner for your elec­tro­nics market and support it in order to achieve even better sales. Happy shop­pers are the be-all and end-all.

POS TUNING solutions for electronics stores

In order for shop­ping in your store to be remem­be­red posi­tively, you need orien­ta­tion aids, clarity and tidy shel­ves. Then a shop­per tends to spend more time in the store, likes to browse through the new products and maybe buy some­thing unplan­ned. Our modu­lar systems help to present the shop­per with an impres­sive (elec­tro­nics) shelf, which you can adapt to your respec­tive products using the modu­lar prin­ci­ple.
Digi­tal price labels help shop­pers to compare seve­ral products and ulti­m­ately find the right product for them.
We have the right solu­tion for a wide range of products in the highest quality and Made in Germany.

Where can I test the POS TUNING systems live ?

Are you inte­res­ted in our products and would you like to test them live in advance? Then visit one of our pilot markets.

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