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Efficient solutions for alcoholic beverages

Optimise the presentation of your beverages

With POS TUNING, your alcoholic beverages are presented in the best possible light

We have the right solu­tion for all cate­go­ries. Our prac­ti­cal systems ensure the perfect presen­ta­tion of all alco­ho­lic and non-alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges.


Poor visi­bi­lity, orien­ta­tion and acces­si­bi­lity for shop­pers and an untidy product presen­ta­tion


Perfect visi­bi­lity right up to the last product, tidy product presen­ta­tion and opti­mal product acces­si­bi­lity

The benefits you’ll get from the POS TUNING systems for alcoholic beverages

Poor visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for shop­pers
Visual out of stocks – custo­mers cannot find the desi­red product because it isn’t visi­ble, despite being available
Untidy product presen­ta­tion
High level of shelf main­ten­ance work
With the help of the pushfeed or glide system, the goods are always positioned at the front of the shelf.
Perma­nent front displays and lasting visi­bi­lity of products
Easy instal­la­tion due to shelf ready sets
Simple to use – when refil­ling and remo­ving products
Perfect visi­bi­lity right up to the last product on the shelf
Better feeling of orien­ta­tion for your custo­mers
Visually enhan­ces the entire product range
Redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance work

Shelf ready systems for use with alcoholic beverages

Our Push­feed Systems are versa­tile for all your non-alco­ho­lic beverage products and are deli­vered shelf ready.

Shelf-ready? What does that mean? We want to opti­mise proces­ses and save you time. Thanks to our new inno­va­tive solu­tion, instal­la­ti­ons and modi­fi­ca­ti­ons are now not only quicker, but also much easier. Shelf-ready systems make it possi­ble.

The follo­wing tiles will take you to the cata­lo­gue pages of your desi­red cate­gory. Alter­na­tively, you can use the enquiry and order form to request a quota­tion for a merchan­dise hand­ling system or order it directly.

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The typical problems with shelf maintenance

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Customer feedback

“Sales have increased with the use of the pushfeed systems from POS TUNING …”

Find out more about the success stories from the alcoholic beverages

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