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Our product presentation for a more effective shopping experience!

The key components of the innovative product presentation

The inno­va­tive product presen­ta­tion consists of many diffe­rent outstan­ding indi­vi­dual compon­ents. In addi­tion, the company uses a fully auto­ma­tic feed assem­bly system for its own produc­tion. 3D prin­ting tech­no­logy for sample produc­tion as well as augmen­ted, virtual reality and e‑pick systems are state of the art at POS TUNING. Ground­brea­king inno­va­tions, such as cashier­less shop­ping and auto­dispo, help make the shop­ping process more conve­ni­ent, easier and, above all, more effec­tive for custo­mers. This increa­ses sales and redu­ces costs. In addi­tion, there are various feed vari­ants to choose from. These depend on the respec­tive product cate­gory. All compon­ents can be indi­vi­du­ally adapted accor­ding to custo­mer requi­re­ments. Custom-made products are the parti­cu­lar specialty of POS TUNING.

The individual components of the presentation of goods

With a custo­mer base in 120 count­ries, POS TUNING demons­tra­tes that its indi­vi­dual compon­ents for merchan­dise presen­ta­tion have quality and inno­va­tion “Made in Germany”. These include lift and slide systems, light­ing, theft preven­tion and order systems, and merchan­dise feeders. Orien­ta­tion aids are parti­cu­larly popu­lar with custo­mers. Nobody wants to spend hours brow­sing and wasting valuable free time shop­ping. Of course, a successful concept also includes many things that custo­mers don’t see, such as digi­tal inven­tory manage­ment. The advan­ta­ges of this type of product presen­ta­tion are opti­mal visi­bi­lity, low shelf manage­ment costs, simple assem­bly and filling, quick and conve­ni­ent adjus­t­ment, univer­sal use and abso­lute user and custo­mer friend­li­ness.

The stage is yours! Click here for the idea book for your brand.

How do our goods presentation systems differ from others?

We as Family busi­ness employ 190 people and attach very great importance to quality and safety. Satis­fied employees and custo­mers ensure the contin­ued exis­tence of the company and its jobs. All products have the GS safety mark. Our company is
TÜV tested and has the ISO 9001 certi­fi­ca­tion.
A company is only as good as its employees and the products it produ­ces. The craft of presen­ting goods is prac­ti­ced here in Bad Salzu­flen with great atten­tion to detail. State-of-the-art tech­no­logy is used to make custo­mers’ ever­y­day lives friend­lier, easier and more comfor­ta­ble.
Goods are easier to reach and better orga­ni­zed. A lot of sear­ching is no longer neces­sary. The indi­vi­dual compon­ents can be indi­vi­du­ally adapted to the condi­ti­ons on site in the form of a modu­lar system. The shape of the pack­a­ging is irrele­vant (plas­tic, card­board, square, round, etc.). This also makes sort­ing by the employees easier. No matter whether it is the goods feed for drugs­tore or frozen goods, POS TUNING has the right feed system for every area.
The POS‑T C60 system is ideal for drugs­tore items. With this type of product presen­ta­tion, the pack­a­ging can be square, oval or round. The width can be up to 39 mm. Extre­mely stable side walls combi­ned with a trans­pa­rent front pane ensure that the products cannot break out and are still clearly visi­ble. The feed rate can be set indi­vi­du­ally. The locking with the C60 L‑Bracket ensu­res both stabi­lity and suffi­ci­ent flexi­bi­lity.
The POS‑T Compart­ment C90 is a stan­dard feed system with inte­gra­ted compart­ment divi­ders. These are suita­ble for bags, stacked products or bott­les up to 53 mm wide. The systems lock onto the adap­ter profiles with an audi­ble click. The system can thus be easily adapted to the respec­tive width of the products. This makes it extre­mely easy to change plano­grams.
The SloMo fabric feed system enables slow, gentle fabric feed, for exam­ple with deli­cate bott­les.

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