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Well organized thanks to the POS compartment dividers for shelves

Compartment dividers for shelves in various designs

Now you may be wonde­ring which compart­ment divi­ders you need for your shel­ves. With us you have the oppor­tu­nity to select and design the compart­ment divi­ders accor­ding to the requi­re­ments of your sales or storage area. Whether trans­pa­rent or colo­red, with or without a goods stop­per and, on request, with a built-in brea­king point — the range at POS Tuning leaves almost nothing to be desi­red in terms of shelf struc­ture. Another advan­tage that our compart­ment divi­ders bring, in addi­tion to the neatly arran­ged goods, is that you can see imme­dia­tely when a product is sold out and needs to be reple­nis­hed. The shelf divi­ders are usually atta­ched using fleece adhe­sive tape. You can also discuss with one of our experts which compart­ment divi­ders are best for your shel­ves. Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us by phone or email at any time. Our service staff will be happy to advise you on possi­ble forms of shelf orga­niza­tion and work with you to find the perfect compart­ment divi­der for your shelf. Order your prefer­red model today and ensure that your sales areas are orga­ni­zed and mana­geable tomor­row!

Compartment dividers for shelves and many other items for perfect order

In addi­tion to the prac­ti­cal compart­ment divi­ders for shel­ves, you will find many other products that enable custo­mer-friendly orga­niza­tion of your products. Browse through our range in peace and let yours­elf be inspi­red by the large selec­tion. Even the tidiest company can still find poten­tial for impro­ve­ment! Our goods feed systems, for exam­ple, keep the shelf front tidy. With this system you achieve 100 percent visi­bi­lity of your products from the first to the last article and an attrac­tive product presen­ta­tion is always guaran­teed. Clearly filled chests and clean place­ment are essen­tial success factors not only in normal store shel­ves, but also in the TK area in parti­cu­lar. Here we have special inserts for free­zers for you, which effec­tively coun­ter­act the chaos in the free­zer. The POS‑T goods lift system brings your products barrier-free and sales-promo­ting in the best view and reach! You can find more on the topics of sliding systems, shel­ving and shop fitting or hygiene on our website.

Our main location in Bad Salzuflen

And everything … MADE IN GERMANY

We are a family company with around 190 employees. Both the admi­nis­tra­tion and the entire produc­tion are loca­ted at our main loca­tion in Bad Salzu­flen in Germany. All of our products are manu­fac­tu­red here on site. There are further POS TUNING bran­ches and sales offices in Spain, France, Great Britain and Turkey. We work closely with our stra­te­gic sales part­ners around the world.

made in germany

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