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It’s high time that we rethink shelf management!

Looking away doesn’t help? Taking a look really does!

With just little effort, turn your product category into a real eye-catcher.

So let’s call a spade a spade: the subject of shelf manage­ment is proba­bly as popu­lar as a visit to the dentist. Moving items to the front or filling up empty facings: depen­ding on the type of goods invol­ved that can demand a lot of effort and it can be time-consum­ing. In these times of staff shorta­ges and huge workloads, shelf main­ten­ance can turn into a problem. Who should see to this task when no member of staff has the time? But if you want to sell your products successfully, it is abso­lut­ely essen­tial that the shel­ves are well stocked and that they appear attrac­tive to shop­pers.


Poor visi­bi­lity, orien­ta­tion and acces­si­bi­lity for shop­pers, as well as a clut­te­red merchan­dise display


Perfect visi­bi­lity down to the last product, neat merchan­dise image and opti­mal acces­si­bi­lity of the products

Do you know this too?

The typical problems with shelf maintenance


saving on shelf management

All the time and effort requi­red for shelf manage­ment* is redu­ced as a result of using push­feeds by up to 54%.

*calcu­la­ted with deodo­rant products

A perfectly main­tai­ned shelf is not only an eye-catcher. Shel­ves can offer advan­ta­ges at a variety of levels. Out-of-stocks can be seen imme­dia­tely and the miss­ing goods can then be topped up. That means for the retailer that sales, even of fast-moving products, are secu­red and the turno­ver remains constant or even increa­ses. For the custo­mer it means a neat and tidy, well orga­nised shelf, with much more over­view and conse­quently quick access to the requi­red product. Many custo­mers do not wish to search endlessly for a product and if they don’t find it they are disap­poin­ted. Studies reveal that such a disap­point­ment can only happen twice at the very most before the custo­mer deci­des to change the store by going else­where.

When closely scru­ti­ni­s­ing times requi­red for shelf manage­ment, it beco­mes appa­rent that there is a huge discrepancy amongst the diffe­rent types of goods cate­go­ries. In the chemist shop’s cate­gory, for exam­ple, the time needed per item for the manage­ment and reple­nis­hing of deodo­rant bott­les is on average 0.0815 minu­tes (4.89 seconds) a reple­nis­hing time of 81.50 minu­tes. In our exam­ple we had refil­led 100 facings, each with 10 artic­les. And espe­ci­ally with deodo­rants, this process is very awkward because the products are quickly prone to falling over and taking other items nearby with them.

Well-curated shelving is the business card of the store!”

For retail­ers that is also a ques­tion of costs. If we assume that it is neces­sary to carry out shelf manage­ment in the chemist’s shop product cate­gory three times every week, we arrive at quite an impo­sing sum of money: at an hourly rate of €25 per employee, the outlay per annum for the shelf manage­ment of 100 facings amounts to €3,401.76*.

But ut is it possi­ble to reduce such costs? We say: a resound­ing yes! By using the POS TUNING push­feed systems, the time requi­red for shelf manage­ment can be drama­ti­cally mini­mi­sed. For every article 2.87 seconds can be saved. So if we extra­po­late that to include 1,000 artic­les, we have a saving of almost 48 minu­tes. If we once again assume an hourly rate of €25 per employee, an amount of €2,560.71 can be saved every year by using the push­feed systems (this calcu­la­tion is based on an exam­ple with “only” 100 facings). A push­feed system means that there has to be an initial invest­ment. But it is one that lite­rally pays off. After only two months the invest­ment in such a system will have paid for itself.

Learn more here!

“An investment that pays off!”

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