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New impulses for the service station


Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) How does a product that is loca­ted in the north of Germany sell compared to a product that is placed in the south? Which brand is prefer­red by shop­pers? And how does place­ment affect sales? POS TUNING and four other coope­ra­tion part­ners have tack­led these exci­ting ques­ti­ons. The result of this analy­sis was now presen­ted to the public at the ECR Days in Düssel­dorf.

HEM, Red Bull, Bormann and Gordon, neoalto and POS TUNING had set them­sel­ves the task of subjec­ting placed product groups in a so-called Energy Zone to a holi­stic analy­sis. The increase in sales of the placed artic­les was defi­ned as the primary goal. Nati­on­wide, data was scan­ned and analy­zed at 15 test stati­ons from July to Decem­ber 2021.

The so-called Energy Zone has been placed in HEM gas stati­ons nati­on­wide. Various commu­ni­ca­tion elements were also used in the process. LED light­ing, toppers and bran­ding should provide the neces­sary atten­tion. Further­more, attrac­tive multi­buy offers and fast-moving items from the dry food range were presen­ted in the Energy Zone. In the cooler, which was equip­ped with products from Red Bull, feed systems from POS TUNING ensu­red perfect visi­bi­lity in the front row. For a more meaningful analy­sis, the Energy Zones were equip­ped with diffe­rent assort­ments. The High Profit range was placed 8x. The Share assort­ment has been presen­ted 7x in HEM gas stati­ons. In three coolers, neoalto sensor tech­no­logy was also used to track sales in the Red Bull Cooler.

The entire hand­ling in the apron — thus from the deve­lo­p­ment, the buil­ding up to the logi­stics was taken over by POS TUNING. With the ready-to-store concept, it was possi­ble to have the Energy Zone deli­vered to the service stati­ons fully assem­bled, so that they only had to be filled on site. Also the connec­tion to the sensor tech­no­logy of neoalto, has been orga­ni­zed and carried out by POS TUNING. RED BULL and POS TUNING have jointly taken over the perso­nal imple­men­ta­tion.

Bormann & Gordon, specia­lists in shop­per and POS rese­arch, then came into play when track­ing shop­per traf­fic in the gas station. The measu­re­ment of the shop­per frequency to the Energy Zone in compa­ri­son to the refri­ge­ra­ted shelf showed that there are no frequency losses at the refri­ge­ra­ted shelf due to the use of the Energy Zone. The place­ment of the test artic­les in the Energy Zone resul­ted in an average sales growth of 11%. Over­all, there was sales growth of 3% in the bever­a­ges and snacks cate­gory.

In conclu­sion, the Energy Zone can be descri­bed as a real success project. With the addi­tio­nal themed place­ment of the Energy Zone, it was proven that more sales were made. Sales growth in the selec­ted cate­go­ries is impres­sive. Further­more, there was no canni­ba­liza­tion of the other place­ments. neoalto’s sensor tech­no­logy was able to evaluate exactly which place­ment the merchan­dise that was sold came from in a fully auto­ma­ted manner. Without this digi­tal analy­sis, this would only have been possi­ble through time-consum­ing and expen­sive selec­tive obser­va­tion. Thanks to Bormann & Gordon, there is a perfect new Mafo tool for this, which enables these analy­ses at reasonable costs. The success story conti­nues as the Energy Zone is now being rolled out natio­nally at HEM.


By the way: The project is among the top 3 of the ECR Inno­va­tion Excel­lence Award 2022.