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The Bad Salzufel-based company wins the coveted trophy with its “Energy Zone”

“Shop! Global Award” for POS TUNING

Bad Salzuflen/ Mont­clair, New Jersey. (bre) Yesss! We did it again! POS TUNING has once again recei­ved an award for a project. The “Energy Zone”, which alre­ady won a POPAI Award in June last year, has now won the “Shop! Global Award” in the “Cate­gory Manage­ment” cate­gory.

Store! is a global, non-profit trade asso­cia­tion repre­sen­ting more than 2,000 member compa­nies world­wide. The aim of the asso­cia­tion is to work towards impro­ving retail envi­ron­ments and expe­ri­en­ces. The Global Award reco­gni­zes outstan­ding achie­ve­ments in the areas of display at the point of purchase, marke­ting acti­vi­ties in retail and retail design.

The ques­ti­ons on the jury’s list include “What were the custo­mer’s goals?” and “How were the goals achie­ved?”. But the mate­rial, design and cons­truc­tion also contri­bute to whether a product has a chance of winning or not.

The “Energy Zone” is a project that POS TUNING has imple­men­ted with Red Bull Germany, Bormann & Gordon, neoalto and Deut­sche Tamoil GmbH (in the HEM service stati­ons). One of the ques­ti­ons addres­sed was the extent to which secon­dary place­ments in stores affect sales figu­res and turno­ver of products in the regu­lar chil­ler cabi­net. Do custo­mers change their routes when a secon­dary place­ment is instal­led in the vici­nity? Deut­sche Tamoil was able to find all this out with the help of POS TUNING. Almost all HEM filling stati­ons are now equip­ped with the Energy Zone.

Now the team can be deligh­ted with this special prize. Frank Lanzen­dor­fer, Custo­mer Direc­tor Busi­ness & Cate­gory Deve­lo­p­ment CPG at POS TUNING, super­vi­sed the project from the very begin­ning and is proud of the award: “This award shows once again that good team­work always pays off. All of the project part­ners have shown great perso­nal commit­ment throug­hout the trading stages and have worked closely toge­ther to advance and imple­ment the indi­vi­dual deve­lo­p­ment steps. When we won the “POPAI D‑A-CH Gold Award” last year, we alre­ady suspec­ted that we had a good idea. It’s fun to see what a great success story this project is beco­ming!”

The Energy Zone

Can the Energy Zone further boost sales? Where would this need to be placed in the market? Which range makes the most sense in combi­na­tion with chil­led energy drinks? Does a secon­dary place­ment canni­ba­lize the regu­lar refri­ge­ra­tor?

The joint cate­gory manage­ment project between Deut­sche Tamoil GmbH (HEM service station) and Red Bull got to the bottom of these ques­ti­ons.

Learn more here!

Press cont­act:
Maren Brett­meier
+49 5222 36965–646
+49 172 1338139