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November — BHB Congress

The international industry meeting

BHB Congress

The BHB Congress is the largest meeting of the indus­try family and a profi­ta­ble mix of useful lear­ning, analy­sis, exch­ange, thin­king outside the box and many discus­sions with other experts and specia­lists.

Of course, there will also be networ­king and a dash of cele­bra­tion — the BHB Life­time Award will also be presen­ted in a festive setting.

Take the oppor­tu­nity to find out about the latest market trends and talk to decis­ion-makers from the DIY sector.

We look forward to seeing you all again!

Get to know POS TUNING at the BHB Congress 2024 get to know

  • When: 27. — Novem­ber 28, 2024
  • Where: World Confe­rence Center, Bonn

We have been an exhi­bi­tor at the BHB Congress since 2023 and are your compe­tent part­ner for a wide range of requi­re­ments in the presen­ta­tion of DIY and DIY products. Whether you are a garden enthu­si­ast or a do-it-your­sel­fer, ever­yone will find the equip­ment they need to complete their project in seconds thanks to the impro­ved visi­bi­lity of the products.

We don’t stand in the way of your custo­mers’ (cons­truc­tion) projects, we stand behind them!

That was the BHB Congress 2023

We would like to thank you for visi­ting our stand in the WCCB (Alter Bundes­tag) at the 24th edition of the BHB Congress, on 29. and Novem­ber 30 2023 thank you. Our team on site had many inte­res­t­ing discus­sions with other experts and heard inspi­ring presen­ta­ti­ons from top spea­k­ers. If you have any further ques­ti­ons or require addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion, please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us.

Once again, a big thank you! We hope you will visit POS TUNING again this year at the BHB Congress in Bonn!

Discover our solutions for DIY stores!