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POPAI Award Presentation 2023

Two times gold for POS TUNING

The company from Bad Salzu­flen wins the indus­try Oscar in two cate­go­ries.

Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) This is what winners look like — POS TUNING has been awarded two trophies at the POPAI Awards. Both the concept of the Multi­way Product Carrier “POS T.REX” and the “Energy Zone” were awarded the cove­ted golden statues by the jury.

The POPAI Award (POPAI stands for Point of Purchase Adver­ti­sing Inter­na­tio­nal) is presen­ted by
Store! D‑A-CH e.V. awarded. Compa­nies and service provi­ders have been hono­red with the POPAI Award for outstan­ding POS acti­vi­ties for more than five deca­des. The compe­ti­tion, which is held once a year, is orga­ni­zed in over 14 count­ries and regi­ons. The POPAI Awards repre­sent the entire spec­trum of POS marke­ting: from clas­sic POS mate­ri­als to digi­tal media and complex sales support measu­res. There are various cate­go­ries into which appli­cants can be placed. This also includes visual merchan­di­sing, retail design, shop­fit­ting, shop-in-shop systems and flag­ship stores.

POS TUNING had alre­ady caused a stir with the POS‑T Rex at the Euro­Shop in Düssel­dorf in Febru­ary. The POS T.REX is a Multi­way Product Carrier that will change the future of goods hand­ling and presen­ta­tion, both as a single module and in combi­na­tion in the form of a shel­ving system. “We can auto­mate proces­ses at every stage of the value chain with POS T.REX. The bene­fits are time and cost savings. And because the goods carrier also saves pack­a­ging waste, even the envi­ron­ment is plea­sed,” explains Timm Becker. The Head of Marke­ting and his colle­ague Custo­mer Direc­tor Frank Lanzen­dor­fer were present at the award cerem­ony in Colo­gne and were deligh­ted to receive the award.

The “Energy Zone”, a project that POS TUNING imple­men­ted with Red Bull Deutsch­land GmbH and Deut­sche Tamoil GmbH (at HEM service stati­ons), also won gold in the “Best of Analy­tics Data” cate­gory. Frank Lanzen­dor­fer is deligh­ted: “This trophy shows us that we are hitting the nerve of the indus­try with our ideas. We are very proud and take the prizes as an incen­tive to keep working on crea­tive solu­ti­ons for the trade! By winning the “D‑A-CH Gold Award” POS TUNING can now apply for the inter­na­tio­nal “Shop! Global Award” next year.

The presen­ta­tion of the golden trophy for the Energy Zone also marked the end of an era: the design of the award, which repres­ents an Indian, will be repla­ced by a new one in the future. Thus, POS TUNING recei­ved a special honor: the last golden Indian from the store! D‑A-CH e.V. ever awarded, now has its new home at the POS TUNING head­quar­ters in Bad Salzu­flen.



Each POS T.REX module is equip­ped with digi­tal sensor tech­no­logy. Thus, each shelf module also beco­mes a source of infor­ma­tion for manu­fac­tu­r­ers, retail­ers and also custo­mers. Displays in secon­dary place­ment make indi­vi­dua­li­zed adver­ti­sing possi­ble.

Learn more here!

The Energy Zone

Can the Energy Zone further boost sales? Where would this need to be placed in the market? Which range makes the most sense in combi­na­tion with chil­led energy drinks? Does a secon­dary place­ment canni­ba­lize the regu­lar refri­ge­ra­tor?

The joint cate­gory manage­ment project between Deut­sche Tamoil GmbH (HEM service station) and Red Bull got to the bottom of these ques­ti­ons.

Learn more here!

Impressions from the event

Press cont­act:
Maren Brett­meier
+49 5222 36965–646
+49 172 1338139