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How can the placement of goods in retail be optimized?

Optimal product placement increases your impulse purchase rate

Do you want to improve your product place­ment? No matter whether commer­cial, bran­ded or tobacco goods. POS TUNING has the perfect point of sale systems for opti­mal product place­ment for all your goods. Goods presen­ta­tion is of decisive importance in many sales chan­nels — not only in the super­mar­ket, but also in petrol stati­ons, drugs­to­res or in your kiosk around the corner. Product place­ment is parti­cu­larly important for items such as confec­tion­ery, chil­led drinks or conve­ni­ence products, as shop­pers usually make impulse purcha­ses here. You decide on one of the products in a matter of seconds right in front of the shelf.

Under­stan­d­a­bly, mainly for the products that are within sight and reach of the shop­pers . Poor product place­ment and product presen­ta­tion quickly causes disap­point­ment in custo­mers if they cannot find the item they are looking for spon­ta­neously. In the case of sweets, chil­led drinks and conve­ni­ence products, the number of impulse purcha­ses as well as the variety of types are constantly incre­asing. Visual gaps, because products are hidden by others, or real gaps, because shel­ves were not reple­nis­hed quickly enough by retail employees, result in lost sales that would have been preven­ted by opti­mi­zed merchan­dise place­ment.

That’s why many retail­ers ask them­sel­ves: How can I ensure opti­mal product place­ment for my shop­pers despite the high variety of products and an incre­asing impulse purchase rate? This is where the point of sale systems from POS TUNING come into play.

Systems for perfect product placement

The most popu­lar point of sale system for the perfect place­ment of goods in retail is the Push­feed System . With the Push­feed Systems from POS TUNING, your items are always placed exactly where the custo­mer is looking for them — right at the front of the shelf.

For every product we offer you the right Push­feed System for opti­mal product presen­ta­tion . POS TUNING offers many diffe­rent possi­bi­li­ties for merchan­dise systems. In addi­tion, we offer you to deve­lop indi­vi­dual combi­na­ti­ons of diffe­rent goods pusher systems from our POS‑T modu­lar system. The pack­a­ging can be desi­gned freely, the mate­rial of the pack­a­ging is also irrele­vant. With our help, we place each of your goods directly in the shopper’s field of vision and reach. In addi­tion to merchan­dise feed systems, POS TUNING also offers goods lift and slide systems for opti­mal merchan­dise place­ment. POS TUNING has deve­lo­ped special goods lift systems espe­ci­ally for deep free­zers. The goods lift systems consist of a special insert, which you can easily insert into your free­zers. Thanks to our goods lift systems, your goods are always directly within sight and reach of your custo­mers. Like the Push­feed Systems, the POS TUNING sliding system also ensu­res perfect product presen­ta­tion on the shelf front. Even at the sligh­test incline, it ensu­res that your products glide forward gently on the shelf and are thus directly within reach of your shop­pers.

The stage is yours! Click here for the idea book for your brand.

What are the benefits of perfect product placement?

An opti­mi­zed place­ment of goods mini­mi­zes the shelf main­ten­ance effort and ensu­res an orderly appearance on the shel­ves . The better acces­si­bi­lity and visi­bi­lity of products encou­ra­ges custo­mers to make more impulse purcha­ses and provi­des impro­ved shop­ping conve­ni­ence . These aspects in connec­tion with the custo­mer-friendly with­dra­wal ensure that higher sales can be recor­ded. Let our POS TUNING team advise you and convince yours­elf of our systems for the perfect place­ment of goods in your trade.

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