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An interview with

Pilot market Marktkauf Wiele

We are plea­sed to welcome Markt­kauf Wiele as a new POS TUNING pilot store. We have rede­si­gned 10 cate­go­ries toge­ther. What has chan­ged for these cate­go­ries since then?

  • Wiele: “What is striking is that the over­all look is now much tidier. The products are always presen­ted at the front and don’t tip over either. Of course, this is also advan­ta­ge­ous for acces­si­bi­lity, because our custo­mers can now find the products they are looking for more easily.”

In ever­y­day life, work on the surface has to be fast. What is your expe­ri­ence here with POS TUNING solu­ti­ons?

  • Wiele: “That’s right. Our colle­agues have a lot to accom­plish every day. Any relief in the work proces­ses is ther­e­fore helpful. Since we instal­led POS TUNIN­G’s solu­ti­ons, we no longer have to do the amount of shelf main­ten­ance that was neces­sary before. There’s no need to bring products forward, and ever­y­thing goes much faster when chan­ging plano­grams, too!”

What, among other things, made you choose POS TUNING as your regio­nal part­ner?

  • Wiele: “Among other things, we also chose POS TUNING because we appre­ciate the quality of the products. Here, Made in Germany is not just a “seal” that is stuck on some­where. Here we know that these products are really produ­ced in Germany! The quality shows in the work­man­ship and daily use.”

What things do you appre­ciate about POS TUNING as a part­ner?

  • Wiele: “POS TUNING is the compe­tent part­ner at our side, where service does not stop after instal­la­tion. If we have ques­ti­ons or topics we want to discuss, there is always a cont­act person there for us! We are also in regu­lar exch­ange when it comes to new products!”

Press cont­act:
Maren Brett­meier
+49 5222 36965–646
+49 172 1338139