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POS TUNING celebrates anniversary

On March 10, 1998 Udo Voßhen­rich foun­ded the company POS TUNING Udo Voßhen­rich GmbH & Co KG. A few days after the foun­da­tion, he applied for the Euro­pean patent for a tray with fabric feed.
This was the begin­ning of a long jour­ney.…

What reads like the begin­ning of a fairy tale here is the start of a company that consis­ted of one person at the begin­ning and now employs over 230 people. In 25 years, POS TUNING has deve­lo­ped into one of the world’s leading specia­lists for product presen­ta­tion. This unique success story is due to the fact that company foun­der Udo Voßhen­rich was convin­ced from the very begin­ning that he had deve­lo­ped an inno­va­tive, revo­lu­tio­nary product. And this parti­cu­lar deve­lo­p­ment, the system tray, was to signi­fi­cantly change product presen­ta­tion at the point of sale. In the follo­wing years, howe­ver, it was not only the shelf appearance that was opti­mi­zed. The presen­ta­tion of tobacco products also under­went a trans­for­ma­tion. Sloped shel­ves became glass shel­ves, which requi­red less slope and ther­e­fore took up less space. Thanks to the product feed systems, the products could always be presen­ted at the front, even without an angled shelf. This inno­va­tion was ground­brea­king and deve­lo­ped with sheer explo­sive momen­tum in the tobacco segment.

Prizes and awards follo­wed for count­less product deve­lo­p­ments and ideas. In the mean­time, POS TUNING is more than just a specia­list for product presen­ta­tion. Rather, the company is also a thought leader and process opti­mi­zer. Effec­tively linking the future of indus­try, logi­stics and retail is conside­red one of the chal­lenges that POS TUNING wants to address.

Press cont­act:
Maren Brett­meier
+49 5222 36965–646
+49 172 1338139