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POS TUNING goes Berlin

We can now also posi­tion oursel­ves in the capi­tal with a great project: We have equip­ped the store of a large retail chain with our systems in the drugs­tore and chil­led drinks cate­go­ries.


Poor visi­bi­lity and acces­si­bi­lity for shop­pers, no orien­ta­tion as well as a messy merchan­dise image


Perfect visi­bi­lity down to the last product, neat merchan­dise image and opti­mal acces­si­bi­lity of the products

Jan Rull­köt­ter, who is in charge of our project, is proud that we were able to equip this special market. “This store is a real show­case store in Germany. It is a great oppor­tu­nity for us that we can now also present our products with our claim “Make.Shop­ping. Simply. Better.” in this store.”

The success story of this colla­bo­ra­tion is the result of the prepa­ra­tory work carried out by our key account manage­ment and the customer’s expec­ta­ti­ons of our products. “We presen­ted our systems there in advance and the customer’s feed­back was consis­t­ently posi­tive. Only 4 months passed from the instal­la­tion of the test floors to the final instal­la­tion,” reports Jan Rull­köt­ter.

The instal­la­tion went smoothly and not only the store mana­ger but also the store employees were imme­dia­tely impres­sed. During instal­la­tion, the colle­agues respon­si­ble for the cate­gory were deligh­ted that it will now be much quicker and easier to refill products or change plano­grams.

Shelf main­ten­ance is a time-consum­ing task without our systems, espe­ci­ally for drugs­tore artic­les. Some of the products are diffi­cult to refill as they fall over or tip over quickly due to their shape. To ensure that the shelf front always looks neat and tidy, the goods have to be pulled forward manu­ally. This costs time, effort and nerves.

Our systems elimi­nate this work step, because the auto­ma­ted front presen­ta­tion ensu­res that the goods are always at the front.

Our system is also imme­dia­tely noti­ceable when it comes to chil­led drinks. In conver­sa­tion with the respon­si­ble area mana­ger, it quickly became clear that main­tai­ning the cate­gory also takes up a lot of time and manpower. “There are often unsightly gaps on the shel­ves, espe­ci­ally with fast-moving items, and then the drinks cooler has to be refil­led in a short space of time. In summer, this is checked at least once a day. Cans and bott­les also often tip over. Then the cooler no longer looks nice.” Now the POS TUNING push­feed systems ensure a perfect product presen­ta­tion. This also plea­ses custo­mers, as they can find what they are looking for more quickly.

Simple assembly with shelf-ready systems

Our push­feed systems are versa­tile, e.g. for all your non-alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges or drugs­tore products, and are deli­vered ready to use.

Shelf ready? What does that mean? We want to opti­mize proces­ses and give you time. Thanks to our new inno­va­tive solu­tion, instal­la­ti­ons and conver­si­ons can now be chan­ged over not only faster, but also much more easily. Shelf-ready systems make it possi­ble.

Ganz einfach: Das Einsetzen der Frontschienen ist mit wenigen Handgriffen erledigt.

Very simple: The front rails from box 1 can be inser­ted in just a few simple steps.

3) Vormontiert: Die Vorschubstränge sind bereits fertig zusammengebaut.

Pre-assem­bled: The feed lines are alre­ady fully assem­bled in box 2.

Ein Hingucker: So aufgeräumt sieht ein Kühlmöbel aus, das mit POS TUNING ausgestattet wurde.

An eye-catcher: a refri­ge­ra­tion unit that has been equip­ped with POS TUNING looks tidy.