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POS TUNING – your contact in terms of shelf optimization

With our shelf optimization we also optimize the whole shopping experience

In terms of shelf opti­miza­tion, the POS TUING company is the perfect part­ner for your busi­ness. We ensure, that you get the maxi­mum poten­tial out of your shel­ves which also makes the base for a perfect layout of your store. We as POS Tuning see shop­ping as an expe­ri­ence and want to make the most out of it, so that we will end up with happy custo­mers. Because a happy custo­mer will always come back and stay loyal to the stores, he feels good in or that he had a good shop­ping expe­ri­ence in. To be able to make the custo­mer happy, we must ensure that he gets what he wants. What a custo­mer wants is a clean and tidy envi­ron­ment, where he can see all products and gets to make a good decis­ion for what he wants to buy. Given the fact, that shop­ping, espe­ci­ally food shop­ping, is often a task, that has to be done quickly, after work or in work break, the custo­mer doesn’t have a lot of time and wants to make a quick decis­ion. Here is where it comes to the need of shelf opti­miza­tion and we are here to offer you the perfect solu­tion for that.

Discover our variety of offerings





Easy shelf optimization with our pushing system

Our shelf opti­miza­tion system is as simple as effec­tive and can be built into every shelf, fridge or cabi­net. It is a simple instal­la­tion, that we have in diffe­rent sizes for diffe­rent products, with an uncom­pli­ca­ted pusher system, that is desi­gned to push the products in line to the front of the shelf, so that it stands up and can be seen by the custo­mer in the best way possi­ble. Pushed to the front, the products stand in front perfectly aligned and next to each other in an orde­red and tidy way. In that way presen­ted, the products are perfectly visi­ble for the custo­mer and he is then able to make a good and quick decis­ion. Not only in terms of shelf opti­miza­tion, our pushing system makes the perfect base, but also to opti­mize the over­all look of your store. With orde­red shel­ves, the whole store looks clea­ner and tidier which not only crea­tes a calming and welco­ming atmo­sphere but gives employees time, that they would normally use to clean the store, for other more important tasks, like custo­mer service.

Shelf optimization made in Germany

With our pusher system guaran­te­e­ing shelf opti­miza­tion in the easiest but most effec­tive way possi­ble, we are a unique company regar­ding the world­wide market. Based in Bad Salzu­flen, we manu­fac­ture pushing systems of every size and for every shelf in our own and only produc­tion line for pusher systems. Produ­ced from first to last step in our own company, we have the perfect control over the quality and our products are all Made in Germany. Through that, we ensure stabi­lity and sustaina­bi­lity. It is our mission, to opti­mize not only the shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mer but also the selling expe­ri­ence for compa­nies and stores. We are the perfect media­tor between your company and your custo­mers and create a base for an easy trading.

Our headquarters in Bad Salzuflen


We are a family busi­ness with around 190 employees. Both the admi­nis­tra­tion and the complete produc­tion are loca­ted at our head­quar­ters in Bad Salzu­flen in Germany. All our products are manu­fac­tu­red here on site. There are further POS TUNING bran­ches and sales offices in Spain, France, Great Britain and Turkey. We work closely with our stra­te­gic sales part­ners world­wide.

made in germany

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