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Only what is seen can be bought

Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) There are count­less products and brands at the point of sale. Ever­yone wants to be seen and to stand out. Not getting lost in the diver­sity is a chall­enge that every brand has to face. You can only buy what you can see. As simple as it may sound, it takes the expe­ri­ence and exper­tise of the right part­ner to get the perfect presence for your product or brand.

A parti­cu­larly successful exam­ple of strong brand place­ment is the solu­tion that POS TUNING has deve­lo­ped for Ben & Jerry’s. Willem Klein Zegge­link, Custo­mer Direc­tor Busi­ness & Cate­gory Deve­lo­p­ment CPG, toge­ther with the ice cream manu­fac­tu­rer, came up with a concept that lite­rally went through the roof.

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Willem Klein Zegge­link, Custo­mer Direc­tor Busi­ness & Cate­gory Deve­lo­p­ment CPG at

“In the frozen food area, it is diffi­cult to keep track and keep things in order. Products fall over or get stuck in the back of the cabi­net. This is parti­cu­larly noti­ceable in pack­a­ging with unusual shapes,” reports Willem Klein Zegge­link. The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream pints have a coni­cal pack­a­ging and a stan­ding presen­ta­tion did not lend itself to this. Ther­e­fore, it was deci­ded to go for a lying presen­ta­tion, crea­ting a comple­tely new look in the frozen food cabi­net.

Willem Klein Zegge­link remem­bers: “I offe­red the double layer presen­ter to Unile­ver Belgium as Presen­ta­tion solu­tion for Ben & Jerry’s. Unile­ver Belgium did a test with smal­ler quan­ti­ties at a retailer over a few months. After­wards, I recei­ved feed­back that the test was very well recei­ved.” A first large roll­out follo­wed.

To draw even more atten­tion to the brand, Ben & Jerry’s asked if they could brand the solu­tion? “This was quite a chall­enge, as we had to brand the tray as well as add aclaim to the push­feeds. We deci­ded to print the back of the top panel using digi­tal prin­ting. The data was provi­ded by Unile­ver and the end result was to everyone’s satis­fac­tion,” says Klein Zegge­link.

The exam­ple of this project clearly shows how effec­tive the inter­play between crea­ti­vity and tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion can be. Parti­cu­larly in the area of brand presen­ta­tion , both func­tion­a­lity and visi­bi­lity are crucial to the success of a product at the point of sale. With the decis­ion to use the double-layer presen­ter for brand place­ment Ben & Jerry’s has become an eye-catcher in the frozen food cabi­net. Not only has the over­view and acces­si­bi­lity been opti­mi­zed, but a visual anchor has also been crea­ted. In addi­tion, the bran­ding on the tray and the push­feeds to secure the shelf.

Within one month, the custo­mer, sales and deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment crea­ted a solu­tion that stands out from the stan­dard in the frozen food cabi­net. Willem Klein Zegge­link is plea­sed: “We have achie­ved a very satis­fac­tory result and have recei­ved only posi­tive feed­back so far.”

You can find even more exciting projects and inspiring product presentation ideas in our idea book.