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Draw the full potential from your freshness category

Bad Salzu­flen (bre). Did you know that smoothie consump­tion in Germany alone amoun­ted to 55 million liters in 2018 ? This number is impres­sive. Espe­ci­ally compared to the values from 2007. Because it was just 24 million liters. The market for healthy as well as vegan and vege­ta­rian nutri­tion is booming and with it the variety of products on the fresh food shelf.

This new aware­ness of a healthy and balan­ced life­style and diet also lets the fresh­ness cate­gory shine in a new light. In the past there was a fruit and vege­ta­ble depart­ment and perhaps a conve­ni­ence corner as well, but a look at the current design of the fresh food cate­gory shows that a trans­for­ma­tion has taken place here. Large shel­ves with an unpre­ce­den­ted variety of fruit and vege­ta­ble juices, vitamin shots and smoothies are presen­ted to custo­mers. And these custo­mers are not only to be found in a speci­fic target group. Accor­ding to Statista, the sales shares are divi­ded between three consu­mer groups : Older fami­lies without child­ren and single seni­ors make up the largest share at 26 percent. Follo­wed by young singles with 25 percent. Just behind them young fami­lies and couples with child­ren. (after all, still a share of 23 percent). And how do these consu­mers access it? Here, too, the numbers are clear.

“Almost 60 percent of those surveyed said they spon­ta­neously opted for a ready-to-drink smoothie.”

This impulse purchase is the incen­tive to think comple­tely new about the design of the fresh food shelf. If the custo­mer finds his product imme­dia­tely and it is presen­ted to him in an attrac­tive way, the impulse to buy can be posi­tively influen­ced and even streng­the­ned . On the basis of this know­ledge, consider­a­bly more poten­tial can be lever­a­ged from the fresh­ness cate­gory . And that also applies to second place­ments.

Don’t leave the potential of your category untouched.

With POS TUNING you have the competent partner at your side to increase your sales and minimize costs for shelf maintenance.

What does that mean? The use of push feed systems pres­ents the product where it should be percei­ved by the custo­mer : at the front! The uniform presen­ta­tion of the variety of products is not only visually appe­al­ing. Over­view and order are decisive factors in the purchase decis­ion. A spon­ta­neous purchase can only be made if the custo­mer actually finds his product. This means that all products must always be within easy reach in the first row — regard­less of whether they are on the fresh produce or drinks shelf . This “Best Place” is guaran­teed with the use of product feeders . The auto­ma­tic front presen­ta­tion also elimi­na­tes the constant pulling of the goods . This saves time and money .

Another argu­ment for using auto­ma­tion solu­ti­ons is to avoid out-of-stock situa­tions . A custo­mer who spon­ta­neously deci­des to buy a smoothie makes this decis­ion in milli­se­conds. If he cannot find his product or, in the worst case, if it is not available, i.e. out of stock, the purchase is cance­led. Push feed systems offer the best solu­tion for this, because the perma­nent front presen­ta­tion means that gaps in the shel­ves are noti­ced more quickly and can ther­e­fore be correc­ted promptly .

With the connec­tion to a digi­tal cloud-based goods manage­ment system , even sales figu­res can be coll­ec­ted. The know­ledge that results from this opens up comple­tely new possi­bi­li­ties for the retailer. Time and place of sales can be assi­gned and evalua­ted. The data coll­ec­ted can have a signi­fi­cant influence on loca­tion issues or product range decis­i­ons.

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