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What makes production in East-Westphalia-Lippe so valuable.

Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) If it were possi­ble to choose a buzzword for 2022, the word “supply bott­len­eck” would proba­bly be at the top of the list. Whether it’s raw mate­ri­als of any kind, food­s­tuffs or mate­ri­als from various indus­tries — ever­y­thing is in short supply and deli­very times for some goods are delayed by up to months. First the pande­mic — then the war in Ukraine — the circum­s­tances under which compa­nies have to produce and make deli­very fore­casts have not been as unpre­dic­ta­ble for a long time as they are now.

Months of delivery time

In a survey conduc­ted by DZ Bank in April, around 77 percent of medium-sized compa­nies in Germany said they were expe­ri­en­cing supply bott­len­ecks at the time of the survey. Medium-sized compa­nies were the most frequently affec­ted. Here, the figure was as high as 88 percent.

Anyone curr­ently looking to purchase a new bike or game console should have a long thread of pati­ence. For these products, custo­mers some­ti­mes have to be prepared for deli­very times of seve­ral weeks or even months.

These problems can be attri­bu­ted, among other things, to factory closures in Asia or redu­ced freight capa­city in the ship­ping indus­try. Shorta­ges of raw mate­ri­als and precur­sors lead to delays in the deli­very of end products. Globa­liza­tion as a bles­sing and a curse?


More difficult general conditions

For years, produc­tion abroad has offe­red itself as the perfect alter­na­tive solu­tion for many compa­nies. More diffi­cult frame­work condi­ti­ons in Germany and a lack of skil­led workers versus redu­ced cost burdens and suffi­ci­ent person­nel are the driving argu­ments for compa­nies to focus on manu­fac­tu­ring abroad. In order to be compe­ti­tive and not to dete­rio­rate econo­mic­ally in compa­ri­son with other compa­nies, Germany has lost some of its attrac­ti­ve­ness as an indus­trial loca­tion in recent years. So why should a company buck the trend and opt for dome­stic produc­tion?

The roots in East-Westphalia-Lippe

Dr. Brian Corley, Opera­ti­ons Mana­ger at POS TUNING, has an answer: “POS TUNING has its roots here in East-West­pha­lia-Lippe. We not only have many well-trai­ned specia­lists in the region, but also the neces­sary capa­ci­ties to hold our own in the market. The indus­trial loca­tion of Lippe is extre­mely attrac­tive, because the diver­sity of the corpo­rate land­scape is also the engine for inno­va­tion at the same time.”

With the decis­ion to produce the mean­while more than 2600 diffe­rent artic­les exclu­si­vely on site in Lippe, POS TUNING makes itself largely inde­pen­dent of foreign count­ries. Products can still be deli­vered to custo­mers on time. The high quality stan­dard is ther­e­fore not in conflict with the produc­tion condi­ti­ons. “We remain, despite the current diffi­cult circum­s­tances, a relia­ble supplier for our custo­mers. This is a real chall­enge in the current econo­mic crisis, but we also only ever promise what we can deli­ver,” explains Brian Corley.

Stan­dard items are usually available imme­dia­tely from stock. For custo­mi­zed products, deli­very could take 6 to 8 weeks, he said. Howe­ver, there would also be frame­work supply agree­ments with major custo­mers that could run for seve­ral years.

Brian Corley POS TUNING

Think and act with the future in mind!

POS TUNING also has to deal with the issues of raw mate­rial supply and mate­rial shortage. Shar­ply increased prices in the plas­tics sector and for oil and natu­ral gas also affect POS TUNING. The shortage of skil­led workers, espe­ci­ally in the tech­ni­cal field, is also beco­ming incre­asingly serious. What is the company doing to meet these chal­lenges?

“We are perma­nently expan­ding our network of suita­ble raw mate­rial suppli­ers and are incre­asingly focu­sing on rene­wa­ble, bio-based and recy­clable raw mate­ri­als. We train within the company itself and offer skil­led and semi-skil­led employees a wide range of inter­nal and exter­nal trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties.” Thin­king and acting with an eye to the future is the basis for the company’s success. That is why POS TUNING also invests in new machine tech­no­logy and expands its produc­tion and logi­stics halls. And, of course, at the Bad Salzu­flen site.