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Want something cold?

Bad Salzu­flen, 18.08.2020  The current trend towards chil­led bever­a­ges conti­nues. They are now found in all distri­bu­tion chan­nels and are very popu­lar with custo­mers, espe­ci­ally in summer.

Who does not know it in this weather? Just go to the super­mar­ket to get a cool drink for the way in the car. Or after the stre­nuous week’s shop­ping, just before the check­out, with your tongue hanging out, quickly take a cold can of soft drink or a bottle of water with you to drink it in one go right outside in the car park.

More and more impulse coolers at cash desks in the food retail

Chil­led drinks are now not only found in petrol stati­ons and conve­ni­ence shops, but also in more and more super­mar­kets. Many stores no longer have just two small, narrow coolers on the floor, which are spon­so­red by the indus­try, but espe­ci­ally in the check­out area seve­ral meters of chil­led drinks in the store’s own refri­ge­ra­tor. This area is a real growth driver. Non-alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges in parti­cu­lar are in grea­ter demand than ever, espe­ci­ally new flavors and extra­va­gant ingre­di­ents. New varie­ties are constantly appearing on the refri­ge­ra­tors and shel­ves. Howe­ver, the varie­ties come and go, there are constant chan­ges in the plano­gram.

Problems due to high sales and variety

As a retailer, you ask yours­elf how you can best manage to keep order in this cate­gory. Because a high impulse rate and rota­tion often goes hand in hand with untidy shel­ves and many gaps between products.

One solu­tion that ensu­res visi­bi­lity and order is a push­feed system. Howe­ver, this must be suita­ble for all the diffe­rent formats and weights in the beverage refri­ge­ra­tor, so that the retailer has an easy time chan­ging plano­grams and intro­du­cing new products. In addi­tion, the system must also func­tion for years in cold and damp condi­ti­ons.

Push­feed system for bever­a­ges by POS TUNING

POS TUNING has deve­lo­ped a new system espe­ci­ally for this cate­gory — the Compart­ment 90 for drinks. Test instal­la­ti­ons have alre­ady been carried out with many retail­ers and very good results have been achie­ved throug­hout. One exam­ple is Edeka Koep­per from Lower Saxony, who has been using the new system for the entire cooling system in his super­mar­ket and also in his beverage store since 2019. Scan­ner data evalua­tion is proving diffi­cult because many of the products from the cooler are also offe­red at other points in the store. So you can’t see where sales have risen, but Phil­ipp Koep­per has told us his impres­sion: “Our impulse beverage cooler is always tidy and looks great since the instal­la­tion of the POS TUNING push­feed systems. The turno­ver has deve­lo­ped posi­tively.” The employees can reco­gnize this by the fact that they have to refill even more often than before, and shop­pers gave posi­tive feed­back. The employees are also enthu­si­a­stic, because the tire­some sort­ing and pulling forward of the products is no longer neces­sary with the POS TUNING push­feed system, so that there is also time for frequent refil­ling and thus gaps in the shel­ves are avoided.

You can see the system live in action at the above mentio­ned super­mar­ket Koep­per in this video.

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