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Tips for brand and product presentation

POS tips for retail
and the industry

Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) “There is no second chance for a first impres­sion!” - With this powerful quote, I would like to invite you to join me on a jour­ney into the world of brand and product presen­ta­tion. Would you like to? Come closer. To the front — to where I can see you better!

Here­ti­cally, I could claim that product presen­ta­tion is not really a science: it has to be loud, colourful and eye-catching. Then ever­yone will look! Yes, that’s true as far as it goes. But since this formula for success is also gene­rally known, all brand products are presen­ted in this way. And what does that mean? A pink-cheque­red elephant is an eye-catcher among grey elephants. But if all the other elephants are also pink-cheque­red, one alone no longer stands out.

And that brings us to the basic things to keep in mind when it comes to presen­ta­tion.  Stand out and also be out of the ordi­nary. The much-vaun­ted first impres­sion and visua­lity are so directly rela­ted that they should never be sepa­ra­ted. When custo­mers are visually attrac­ted to a shelf or display, the cont­act can begin. The first impres­sion custo­mers have of a product or brand is crucial. It deci­des whether a custo­mer conti­nues to deal with the product and, in the best case, leads to a purchase. This first impres­sion can be control­led by the visu­als and the surprise.

Communication is everything

“Get me out of here!” — This could be a prompt that, cleverly placed on the shelf, invi­tes custo­mers to take the product home. Commu­ni­ca­tion at the point of sale works best with visual stimuli. Shelf flags or small so-called wobblers that serve as a visual brake in the colourful shelf land­scape are perfect break­wa­ters. Add to this the appro­priate wording or eye-catching bran­ding of special on-shelf displays and you have drawn atten­tion to where you want it to be. But commu­ni­ca­tion can also be used espe­ci­ally where your product is just out of sight. If a brand is parti­cu­larly attrac­tive and in demand, an out-of-stock situa­tion may arise and supplies may be delayed for a while. But that does­n’t mean that this gap can’t be used for commu­ni­ca­tion. Messa­ges like “Here would be vanilla from brand XY. I’ll be back in a minute!” can be atta­ched to push feed systems. This also curbs space piracy, because it leaves no doubt as to which brand should be in this space.

Just pile it high

Your products and brands are the stars and where do stars belong? Into the lime­light and onto the stage! When we talk about the opti­mal presen­ta­tion at the POS, we also have to deal with the design of the stage, in this case the shel­ves. Most of the time, space is at a premium and a multi­tude of brands and products are crow­ded toge­ther in the smal­lest of spaces. That’s where it’s important to make the most of the space. Have you ever thought about exten­ding your presence in height instead of width? For exam­ple, use double-decker solu­ti­ons that can present twice the number of varie­ties in the same space. To do this, it is not even neces­sary to convert shel­ves, because these presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons can be inte­gra­ted into the exis­ting shel­ving land­scape in a few simple steps.

Doppelstockpräsenter Tiefkühl

See and be seen

But what use is the most beau­tiful stage if no one knows where to look? Let’s be honest: in many cases, custo­mers are stan­ding in front of a shelf looking for some­thing. The decis­ion-making process that deter­mi­nes whether a product ends up in the shop­ping trol­ley is a few milli­se­conds long at most. This means that products have to reach the shop­per’s field of vision in this smal­lest time window. But as a rule, not all products make it into the field of vision because they are simply not found. And why is that? Because the products are either left in the back corners or topple over. This not only results in redu­ced turno­ver, but also frus­tra­ted custo­mers. The simple but very logi­cal conse­quence is: people can only buy what they can see! And that means: those who invest in intel­li­gent presen­ta­tion solu­ti­ons will increase their turno­ver in the long run, opti­mise work proces­ses and save time. In the end, howe­ver, there is one thing that should be in the fore­ground: Happy Shop­pers!

Happy Shopper POS TUNING